June (Calendar Girl #6)

June (Calendar Girl #6) by Audrey Carlan Page B

Book: June (Calendar Girl #6) by Audrey Carlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audrey Carlan
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    I took in the pic in its entirety. A gold, bulky necklace hung around his neck with a chunky heart layered with diamonds covering its surface sat at his sternum. On anyone else it would have been gaudy or tacky. On him, it added character and fit the persona of the heartthrob Latin lover he claimed to be. A pair of pouty, cherub-like lips formed a sexy smirk, and I knew just from this one picture that I intended to get me some of that.
    “Day-um,” I said in my best Latina accent.
    Millie cackled. “Figured you’d like that. Am I forgiven for the oldie but goodie?” she asked referring to Warren, my sixty-five year old client.
    “Oh yeah, big time.”
    “Good, I’ll send the details and make the arrangements. You’ll be headed to Miami, Florida for this gig.” Miami? I held back the woot woot. “Was there anything else?” Millie asked.
    “Oh yeah, one more thing. Why is he hiring me?”
    The line went very quiet. I let myself fall back onto the bed. “Auntie…”
    “He wants you to be the lead in his new video. Some single he’s releasing later this year.”
    “A video? As in a music video? Like where I’ll have to dance and act?” The acting part wasn’t so bad. At least it was closer to what I had originally planned on doing with my life.
    “Yes, darling. You’ll do whatever they want. I don’t know. Look hot, pretend to love Mr. Love-ah, dance, you know, whatever the youngsters like seeing nowadays.”
    A noise like a cat dying escaped my lungs. “Auntie, I don’t dance.”
    She smacked her lips. “Well, I guess they’ll teach you, won’t they. He wants you. Saw your art from the Love on Canvas campaign, apparently bought one of the pieces. When he saw the Hawaiian campaign come out and the pics of you with Weston Channing and Mason Murphy in the smut mags he said you were his ideal flame for the shoot. Whatever that meant.”
    I shook my head and blew a loud breath, the force expanding my cheeks with the effort. “Okay, I guess I’ll just see what happens. Miami sounds fun though.”
    “Glad you think so, doll-face. I need to go, I have a client waiting.”
    “Okay, but oh crap! One more thing: Maddy’s engaged.”
    “Excuse me? I just sent the girl a present for her twentieth birthday. A gift card to Starbucks that should keep her in coffee for the year. What do you mean, she’s engaged?” He tone was a tad hostile and I understood why. Aunt Millie did not believe in the sanctity of marriage. Hell, I wasn’t sure I believed in it after what my parents and Aunt Millie had gone through.
    “Says she’s in love with the guy. Just moved in with him, too. I’ve met the guy and the family. They’re really nice…uh, normal even. Very much a perfect TV family.”
    “Those are the ones that are the most fucked up.” She cursed which she didn’t often do.
    “I know, but I got a really good feeling. Besides, they are going to finish their bachelor’s then get married in a couple years.”
    Millie huffed loudly, sounding very put out by the news. “Unless she gets pregnant first. Then her dream of being a scientist and all the work you’ve put into paying for her schooling is gone. Poof. Disappeared in the blink of an eye and replaced with a snotty, shitting, crying ball of flesh that ties you down for the rest of your life.”
    “Wow, tell me how you really feel.” I threw back trying to lighten the heaviness that had taken over the conversation.
    “I feel she’s too young to be committing to some college prick with a loaded dick.”
    I pursed my lips and thought about the best way to approach this. “I’ll make sure she’s taking care of the baby factor and that the doors are firmly locked down. But they really are waiting for a couple more years. The moving in together bit, I can’t help but be relieved about.”
    “If it’s about money, I’ll send her whatever she needs to get through the year.”
    “It’s not about money, Auntie. It’s about her being in

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