Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5)

Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton Page A

Book: Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
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did as well. He could feel how hot she was, how wet the sheet was between them. He groaned hard and rocked again. When she rolled her hips up to meet him, he buried his face in her neck and did bite her. She cried out but didn’t pull away as her hot blood filled his mouth.
    Lifting his head again, he looked down at her. Blood trickled from the wound he’d given her and he wanted to take her more than ever before. But he had to get up because if he didn’t, there wouldn’t be a person within a hundred miles that wouldn’t know that he’d claimed her. He lifted his body from hers and licked the wound at her throat. She shivered beneath him and moaned when she looked down their bodies.
    “You’re naked.” He nodded. “You should…how did you…Christ, you’re beautiful. And so hard. I want to touch you.”
    He leapt from the bed before her fingers touched him. “You touch me and I’m not going to be able to stop.” His cock ached in the cool morning air. “Do you have any idea how much I want to say fuck the open window and take you? How much I want to suckle at your nipples while I move in and out of you?”
    She nodded. “Yes. I want the same thing, too, right now, but we can’t. We’re not…I’m not going to be what you want, Jules. I can’t. I have to figure out who killed Mason and why they did this to me.”
    He took a step toward her to show her how much she could be what he wanted, what she wanted , but she put up her hand. “You’re my mate, Lenny. Now that I’ve bitten you, you’re not going to leave me. I want you to let me take care of this for you.”
    She laughed and got out of the bed with a sheet wrapped around her. She went into the bathroom without a word. He felt his anger surge forth. Before he opened his mouth again or followed her, he felt Bronwyn touch his mind. She was laughing and that made him nearly snarl at her.
    You do and I’ll hurt you in ways that your children’s children will feel. Get dressed and get out of the house. You’re going to fuck things up worse if you don’t. She was suddenly pissed, but so was he.
    You can’t tell me what to do with my mate. You have no rights— His head exploded in pain. Blood dripped to the floor when he went to his knees as his belly tightened up, too. He was feeling the darkness swamp him, then suddenly he was free.
    You still think I can’t? Get dressed and leave her alone. She’s had…Christ, Jules, where the fuck did you get these ideas in your head that she would simply do what you wanted because you’re her mate? You fucking idiot, she’s stronger than you’ll be on your best day, and a lot smarter in thinking this won’t work if you continue treating her like a thing rather than a mate.
    She’s mine. And as such, it is my duty—
    Fuck your duty , you moron. She’s going to leave you, and what the fuck are you going to do then? Follow her? Make her have to shoot you? She will. I have no doubt about that at all. Now this is the last time I’m going to say this. Get your fucking clothes on and get out of that house. I’m waiting for you. He wanted to tell her to go to hell but she simply tightened around his head a little again and he reached for his clothes . She’s hurting. Not badly but enough. And she’s afraid of you. Are you happy about that?
    I didn’t mean to frighten her. But she needs to learn that she can’t just go out and do things on her own anymore. Bronwyn laughed at him . You wouldn’t think this was so fucking funny if that was Ryland in there.
    No , but Ryland wouldn’t be treating me like some sort of idiot like you are her. Have you once asked her what she wants or needs? Did you ask her or even explain to her what you did to her when you bit her? I know you didn’t. He flushed, knowing that by law, streak law, he should have. You are a Neanderthal. A pigheaded, moronic, dumbassed Neanderthal, and I’m ashamed to call you family right now.
    He stopped pulling on his socks. Neanderthal?

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