Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5)

Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Jules (Golden Streak Series Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
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took him. When Mason went into the house, someone jerked him into the house so quickly that he lost his shoe. He lost his shoe.” Jules nodded at her. “I remember now. All of it. I remember that I had been working another crime scene and that there were five bodies messed up, but the male had been torn to pieces.”
    She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him as she shuddered. She started her story over and over. He let her know that now that she remembered, she’d line it all up and tell it to his brother in the right order. He could feel her mind working out what she had seen as opposed to what she’d thought she’d seen. He held her, never letting go of her, holding her to him until she was finished.
    When she curled her fingers into his back he watched her mouth. She had stopped talking a little after the sun peaked in the sky. He wanted desperately to lean down and kiss her, then bury himself deep inside of her.
    “You are probably uncomfortable.” He didn’t know how to answer that, so he didn’t. “I’m really sorry. I’m not a cry baby. But the dreams…I guess I needed the push your brother gave me today. Well, yesterday, I guess now.”
    “He said that you remembered a little.” She nodded , and he could feel her breasts move against his chest. “I talked to him and Em last night before I came over here and….”
    She licked her lips. Jules watched as her tongue moved from one side of her luscious mouth to the other. He wasn’t sure if he’d seen anything more beautiful or more erotic in his entire life. Then she pulled her lower lip into her mouth and bit it.
    “Lenny, I want to kiss you. I actually want to do a great deal more than that , but kissing you won’t kill me.” She smiled at him, and he thought maybe he was going to die anyway.
    Lowering his head slowly , he moved his hands down her body to her waist. He could feel the bandages there and thought they’d help him remember not to hurt her. But when he touched his mouth to hers, nothing mattered but taking more of her into him.
    Her tongue slid around his as soon as he deepened the kiss. Moaning when she cupped the back of his head, Jules slid his hand under her ass and lifted her into his cock. She jerked her mouth from his and moaned low. He nipped at her exposed throat, licked along the vein there, and suckled in her pounding pulse. He wanted to bite her, sink his teeth into her as much as he did his cock. Moaning again, he moved his way down her chest to her breast. Sucking at the tip hard through the sheet that kept him from her, he rocked harder into her. Lenny moaned his name.
    He heard a slight noise and lifted his head. Growling low in his throat , he looked behind him at the broken window, as well as Ryland standing there with his back to him. He would gladly kill him right now.
    You’re not being very discreet there, brother dear. Anyone in the yard can see the two of you. Is that what you want?
    Jules growled again and looked back at Lenny. Her eyes were glazed over and there were bite marks all along her throat and down to where her breast was hidden beneath her sheet. He had a feeling that she was as naked as he was and wanted to snarl at the way things were right now. But as much as he hated to admit it, Ryland was right. Their first time together shouldn’t be done where everyone could watch them.
    I’ll need help getting the window fixed and some clothes. He saw a small duffle slide across the floor. Thanks. Christ, Ryland, I don’t want to leave her right now.
    But you have to. Come on. I’ll walk away , but you have to get going. There are things you have to know as well about the wolf from earlier.
    “There are others too close right now for me to finish what we’ve started.” Lenny looked at him without focusing. He wanted to make her look like that a great deal more, like she’d just been made love to hard and quick. “I have to get up.”
    She nodded and shifted in the bed , and his cock

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