Jordan's Return

Jordan's Return by Samantha Chase Page A

Book: Jordan's Return by Samantha Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Chase
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    â€œFine.” Jordan strode passed him out to the truck to say good-bye to the boys and remind them how they were expected to behave. She leaned into the truck to kiss them, and when she backed out and stood, she very nearly collided with Rob.
    â€œOh!” she cried out as she turned around.
    â€œSorry,” he said through clenched teeth. Jordan stepped around him and watched as he leaned into the vehicle himself.
    â€œHey, boys, just give me one minute and then we’ll be on our way.” The boys both nodded and started conversing with each other about all the fish they were going to catch.
    Rob closed the door and walked over to where Jordan stood. “So?”
    â€œSo, what?”
    â€œWill this give you enough time today?” he asked snidely.
    â€œRob, what on earth are you talking about? Enough time for what?” She was clueless as to why he had an attitude with her and it was royally ticking her off. If anyone deserved to be bitter toward anyone in this scenario, it was her.
    â€œI saw you had company yesterday. I thought you might like some time alone with your male friend without the kids around.” He crossed his arms solidly over his chest.
    Oh, this was unbelievable. “So you thought you would take it upon yourself to protect my children, is that it?”
    He made no reply.
    â€œDo you think I am so depraved that I cannot go without male companionship for more than a week?” Her voice was beginning to rise and she caught herself before giving in to a full-blown scream. Rob cocked an eyebrow at her. “I see. Well, if memory serves me correct, and I believe it does, I was never the one to have that problem—you know, being unable to control myself with the opposite sex.” She crossed her arms over her chest smugly, mimicking his pose and seeing that at least he had the decency to look ashamed at what she was implying.
    â€œAnd for your information, that was my brother-in-law you saw here yesterday morning. You might remember Laura’s husband, Mark? And just for the record, what were you doing? Spying on us?” Jordan noticed his jaw clench a little. “Mark was driving through town on his way to a conference and was bringing me some supplies from home that I had forgotten!”
    Rob shifted his feet a little, holding a firm stance with his own arms still folded, his hands clenched tightly.
    She was fuming but good now and steamrolled on. “And just so we’re on the same page here, these are my children and they’ve done just fine without you being around to protect and entertain them. We were fine before you came along and we’ll continue to be fine after we leave. Do you have a problem with that?” Her breathing was hard at this point and she was so angry she was shaking a little. He had a nerve!
    Jordan stood there and waited for Rob to make some sort of reply, but he just turned and walked away. The only thing he said to her as he climbed into his truck was, “We’ll see you sometime after two.” And then they were gone.
    * * *
    â€œHey, Rob? Check me out! I’m about to reel in my third fish,” Joseph bragged, his face a little red from the sun but completely full of pride.
    â€œGreat job, Joe. At this rate, we’ll have more fish than we’ll know what to do with! We’ll have to invite the neighbors over for dinner or something,” Rob teased.
    â€œThat would be fun!” Jake chimed in.
    Rob sat out there on the boat and watched the two boys he was coming to love. If he hadn’t been such a fool at eighteen, these would be his own children he was out fishing with. His and Jordan’s.
    She was never out of his thoughts for long lately. Learning that the man at her home yesterday was her brother-in-law was like winning the lottery. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt such relief. But how could he be sure there really wasn’t someone else waiting

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