JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4)

JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4) by Kristina Weaver

Book: JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4) by Kristina Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Weaver
or me, like I said in the letter, but for Roman and Ellie and every other Lane who has suffered thanks to Lynn and her bright ideas.
    As businesses go, the Patriots are a money maker, so big ups to Lynn for seeing that and capitalizing. The problem with that is that she’s running a terrorist group within US borders, and she’s using her power to hurt the people I love.
    I can’t let this continue, not with the threat of Cleo waking up any day now. She’ll know exactly who drugged her, of that I am very sure, and I’m praying that I’ll have the organization crumbled to dust before that happens, or I can basically start picking out my own coffin.
    I do not want death anymore, not now that I have Jared and an entire family to turn to. I would have skipped this part, I think morosely as I start the engine and back up slowly, praying not to be heard, but the thing is that Ronny’s message was lot more detailed than I let on.
    Lynn is out and free, something the Lanes will find out soon enough. With her back at the helm, we’re all pretty much screwed. The woman is that intelligent and crafty.
    With her here, the Patriots will go underground again and we won’t stand a chance at catching them, not with Williams and that SEAL commander helping.
    I need to get to that meeting and cast my vote, one that counts for double, one that could break the deadlock and maybe save Roman Lane.
    I’m praying that he isn’t the issue on the table, I really am, but if he is then the chances of him getting out are slim. And so are mine. At least they are unless I manage to get Clyde onboard with my plans, using the leverage I have on him to sway the asshole.
    I’d really rather not even breathe the same air as that pig, but right now I have no choice.
    As the car rolls down the driveway with no one aware of my presence, I hit the gas and pray that I get to that meeting on time and that I’m not headed for a trap as Ronny seems to believe I am.
    There’s only one way to find out, and as I dial my sister’s number, I pray this is not the last time I hear her voice.
    “Take your family and get out, now.”
    That’s all I say before ending the call and tossing the phone out the window, my foot pushing the gas down hard enough to hit the floorboards.
    I’ve always loved Dad’s Aston and dream of getting one one day soon. If I live.
    My fingers cross over the steering wheel and I giggle at the thought of just how I can gain Jared’s forgiveness. Maybe I can finally put all of Ronny’s unwanted and yet nonstop sex advice to good use and see if I’m the pupil I always thought I was.
    I hear a ringing and it takes me a beat to realize that it’s Dad’s old car phone chiming. I lift the receiver with a swallow and place it to my ear, holding my breath at the thought of Dad knowing what I’ve done so soon.
    “Cupcake. Please don’t do this.”
    That rich, husky timber makes my heart stop and stutter back to life, and I feel my lips tremble when tears threaten. I want to answer so badly, I have to grit my teeth and bite my tongue till I taste blood to stop myself.
    But I can’t stop myself from listening, and what I hear only makes the ache that much deeper.
    “Listen to me, baby. They’re waiting for you. It’s a fucking trap, Paulie, and you know it. Roman could be in on it, Cupcake. Please just stop the car and wait for me, baby,” he pleads, causing my throat to choke out a sob.
    “I can’t,” I whisper, feeling the tears that hit my cheeks with every drop that falls. “He’s on the block today. I know he is.”
    “I don’t care! He can take care of himself. I just—”
    “I have an in. Remember?”
    That starts him cursing and I’m forced to pull the phone away for a good ten seconds before I hear him breathe deeply and calm.
    “Don’t you do it, Cupcake. Don’t you dare go near that piece of shit,” he snarls, making me smile anew at his commanding tone.
    He wants to act so tough all the time,

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