JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4)

JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4) by Kristina Weaver Page B

Book: JARED (Lane Brothers Book 4) by Kristina Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Weaver
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only when the lock clicks and I push the door open slowly that I can breathe again. There’s my baby, I think, closing the door and hitting the deadbolt with a frown.
    I really do need to speak to her about lying low and being safe, preferably after we get the hell out of here and back home where I’ll know she’s safe from the monsters prowling around her.
    She’s sleeping so fitfully that waking her at this point would be a mercy, so I kick my boots off and pad to the bed, lowering myself over her and caging her in just as she wakes and lets off a scream that’s quickly muffled by my mouth.
    Her thrashing stops almost immediately, and I groan when she starts kissing me back and pulling at my hair to get me closer. I want inside her right now, right fucking now, I think when I remember the way I felt just two hours ago and the terror I felt that we’d miss her.
    “Jared,” she mumbles against my lips and I pull my mouth away to glare down at her.
    “What the hell were you thinking? What the fuck were you thinking?!” I yell, letting my emotions run free now that my heart is beating again. “It’s a trap. It’s a fucking—”
    “I know,” she says softly, cutting me off by laying a feather-soft hand over my lips as she smiles sadly. “I know, Sugar Bear.”
    That only pisses me off even more and I feel my blood start boiling when she bites her lips and shrugs.
    “Because I need to,” she answers softly. “It’s about more than just proving that I can, Jared. They got Lynn.”
    “I know that, baby. Did you really think Miah would let them know where she is without taking at least some precautions?” I ask, kissing her again because I just can’t help myself.
    That gets her attention and she stills beneath me, looking up at me with her big, golden cat eyes.
    “You know.”
    “Yeah, we’ve got an ex-SEAL buddy eyeballing her as we speak,” I murmur, going in for another kiss that has my dick going pike hard in mere seconds.
    I want nothing more right now than to strip her bare and make love to her so hard and long, she won’t even dare to think of defying me ever again. Or putting herself in danger.
    But this Goddamned bed is disgusting and I’d die before I take her on dirty sheets. So instead of doing what my body is begging me for, I pull away and sit up, shifting her onto my lap for a long overdue talk.
    “Tell me what’s going on with you, Cupcake. If this is because I sprang the marriage thing on you—”
    “No! No!” she whimpers, turning to me with such vehement love that I feel myself finally relax. “This was always unavoidable, Jared, and I knew it the moment I put that toxin in Cleo’s tea. The vote must be cast, that’s the way it works, baby. They would have come for me if I didn’t go for them, and I can’t put the family in that kind of danger. Besides, I told you that Roman is not the bad guy here, and I have to help him if I can. I failed him last time, Jared. I can’t do that again,” she says quietly, her eyes imploring me to understand.
    I don’t. Maybe because I don’t want to. All I do know is that I won’t let her anywhere near those murdering scum as long as I have breath in me.
    “The estate is secure—”
    “I got out without anyone knowing when or how, Jared. You think one of the Patriots mercenaries won’t find a way in?” she asks sombrely, making me curse and close my eyes.
    “I can’t let you do this, Paulie, please. Don’t ask me to because you know how much I hate saying no to you, baby.”
    It hurts me when she’s disappointed and she damn well knows it, something I see when she grins at me and kisses me soundly.
    “I have to. I can’t walk away without one of them coming for me. I am proxy. If you have a better plan to keep them from going to your family’s place for me, then tell me, baby, but if you don’t then we need to rethink and come to a compromise. Before Jerry or one of the others lose patience and come for

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