James Potter And The Morrigan Web

James Potter And The Morrigan Web by George Norman Lippert

Book: James Potter And The Morrigan Web by George Norman Lippert Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Norman Lippert
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enjoyed a game of Winkles and Augers, managing to upset the chess match only twice (the second time inspiring the chess pieces to temporarily put aside their differences and launch an all-out attack on the broken Remembrall that Scorpius had produced for use as the Winkle, finally destroying it with their tiny swords and battle-axes).
    None of them spoke of the Night of the Unveiling, or of the unfortunate Lucy, or of the mysteriously vanished Petra and Izzy, whose actions had simultaneously saved James’ dad, Harry Potter, and his partner, Titus Hardcastle, while laying bare the entirety of the magical world to Muggle eyes. No one even mentioned the fact that their headmaster, Merlinus Ambrosius, was no more and that his replacement had, as yet, not been announced. Everyone knew that the entire fabric of their world had changed dramatically in a very short time, and that the future was an eerily uncertain place. But for now there seemed to be an unspoken agreement that it was best just to ride the train, return to their schooling, and hope for the best.
    It was dark and raining upon their arrival at Hogsmeade station. Hagrid paced along the platform, summoning the first years in his booming voice, oblivious of the silvery downpour that beaded in his beard and matted his thick hair to his forehead. James waved at him as he ran toward the carriages with their ghastly thestrals. Hagrid waved back, smiling gamely and surrounded by a crowd of hunkering first years, cloaks pulled over their heads against the rain.
    James shared a noisy carriage ride with Rose, Ralph, Scorpius, and two Ravenclaws who he barely knew. They asked him about Zane, whom they remembered from their first year, but fell silent as the carriage left the lights of the station and began the jouncing, splashy trek toward the castle.
    Fifteen minutes later, it was a tired and damp crew that clamoured into the Great Hall, blinking in the light of the thousands of floating candles and the brilliance of the white-clothed house tables. Beneath the Slytherin banner, Trenton Bloch spied Ralph and waved vigorously, beckoning him over. Ralph grinned back as Albus threw an arm over the bigger boy’s shoulder.
    “Home sweet home, eh, Ralph? Come on!”
    Together, the two threaded between the tables and fell into their seats at the Slytherin table, where they were greeted raucously. James noticed that some of the older Slytherins, former cronies of his nemesis, Tabitha Corsica, did not join in the welcoming committee. The group sat near the front of the hall and looked away, as if bored or vaguely disgusted by their mates’ enthusiasm. Without the presence of Tabitha’s icy charm, however, the gathering appeared merely petulant rather than coolly detached.
    James settled into a seat at the Gryffindor table with a sigh of relief. There was Graham Warton and Deidre Finnegan, both fellow fourth years, and Joseph Torrance, and Devindar Das, seventh year and Quidditch captain. Further down the table, waving wildly, was Cameron Creevey, seated next to several other third years. Distinctly missing, however, were Sabrina Hildegard, Noah Metzker and Damien Damascus, three of James’ good friends and fellow members of the club of mischief-makers known as the Gremlins. They had graduated the previous year, thus ending, for all intents and purposes, the reign of the Gremlins. It was sad to have missed his friends’ last year and graduation, but it was also exciting to stand on the fringe of becoming part of the Hogwarts “old Guard” himself.
    He would be going on Hogsmeade weekends this year. And learning more advanced defensive and duelling spells! And going to the now-traditional Yule Ball! And most importantly of all, after his success playing Clutchcudgel at Alma Aleron during the previous year, James was determined to finally-- finally!-- make the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He sighed deeply, in happy anticipation.
    There had been times during the previous year when James

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