Jaci's Experiment
confidence, quiet strength and a deep knowledge that was just a bit unnerving. His eyes were pale green and had a piercing quality. She felt pinned by his gaze and it made her feel just slightly uncomfortable. It was clear from his expression that he already knew about her accident and her problems. He welcomed her to his ‘apartment’ that was as much of a cell as the ones beneath the city, even if it had windows and a view of the forest beyond the city’s shield.
    “Even I didn’t foresee your little mishap, Jaci, but what I’ve seen since it happened bodes well for both our races. Before you got that drug into your system, I couldn’t tell if the experiment was going to work or not. I’m happy to report yours is just the first of many changes coming to your race, and these changes will ultimately prove to be your people’s salvation.”
    “You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?” She found she was at ease enough with these two men to speak her mind.
    Both men laughed as they ate their dinner. She dug in to the gourmet food and enjoyed the various flavors as well. The company was good too, if quite different than any company she’d ever thought of herself keeping before she’d had her accident.
    “No, honey. I only speak truth about my visions. They’re hard enough to interpret without adding lies into the mix. I’m not a complicated man.”
    Harry chuckled. “I think Mama Jane would differ with you on that.”
    Caleb sat back and seemed to reflect. “Damn, I miss her.”
    “She’s your resonance mate, right?” Jaci asked softly.
    Caleb nodded. “She was my wife back in the old world. I married her right after her daddy died and took her into my heart and my home. I’ve loved her since she was just a child and the day she married me was the happiest day of my life.” His gaze turned inward for a moment before it cleared. “We learned about your people’s resonance mate business only recently, since Davin made off with our little girl.”
    Jaci thought about her own resonance mates, sitting in a cell below the city and she wondered if they’d ever have a chance to be as happy. The love shining in this man’s eyes was a sight to behold and she wished she had the freedom to share her own love with her men.
    “I’ve met Callie. She seems very happy,” she said softly.
    “And you’re wondering if you’ll ever be happy with your fellas, aren’t you?” Caleb’s voice was kind, almost fatherly as he watched her with those haunting green eyes.
    “It just seems so impossible. So unfair. Why would I find them and resonate with them if we can’t be together?”
    “There are ancient Alvian laws about resonance mates, you know. Davin resorted to them when the High Council wanted to break up his relationship with Callie because she was human. Apparently, once proven, no one can come between true mates for any reason. Resonance mating is the strongest bond in Alvian law or society, but it’s so rare these days, few remember the ancient laws.” Harry’s voice was strong, giving her hope. “Still, the law is on your side, should you ever be in a position to reveal the nature of your relationship with Dave and Mike.”
    “I didn’t realize that. I’ve never paid much attention to the laws of mating. I never had much interest in the idea before now.”
    “Emotions will do that to you every time.” Caleb winked and smiled, putting her at ease.
    Harry smiled too. “You and your mates had the crystals humming this afternoon. I called my sister and had her prepared to take the blame, but you’ll need to be more careful until we come up with a solution for you three. I talked for a bit with Mike and Dave before I went to meet you and we came up with a plan. With Davin’s help, we might be able to get you all tested and reassigned to his staff in the southern engineering facility.”
    “But I have no crystal gift.”
    Harry corrected her. “You had

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