Jaci's Experiment
no crystal gift. I’d be willing to lay odds that now your emotions have been awakened, you’ll discover all kinds of changes. Davin and I have been theorizing that emotion is an essential part of crystal ability and as the emotion was bred out of the Alvian race, so was the ability to manipulate crystal. The trait has been growing rarer with each generation when descriptions of generations past say it was a common trait most people had.”
    “What you say makes sense, but how would I explain a sudden appearance of crystal ability, if I do have it? I was tested at age thirteen, as we all are and it was not there. They would grow suspicious and want to know why it just suddenly appeared.”
    “Good point.” Harry seemed to consider for a moment. “But they’ve never tested Mike or Dave. If we can get them transferred to Davin, we could probably come up with some other way to get you transferred there as well.”
    “Maybe Callie could request her?” Caleb added helpfully.
    “Good one, Dad. Callie could ask for her to help with the baby. She’s already established that she likes you, so it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary.”
    Jaci felt the rising, bubbling sensation in the pit of her stomach she knew now was hope. These men, these special men, would help her and her mates find a way to be together. She felt it in her bones and her heart was near to bursting with the wonder of such friendship, freely given. She didn’t deserve it, but her mates deserved a free life and she would do anything she had to do in order to help them achieve it.
    Suddenly it was all too much and she felt tears leaking from her eyes. She tried desperately to hide it, but both men saw her loss of control. A moment later she felt herself being lifted and turned, and then there was a solid male shoulder under her leaking eyes. Caleb had gathered her close and was rubbing her back as if she were a baby.
    “You’ve had a lot happen to you in a very short time, honey. You’re entitled to cry, so go right ahead.”
    His deep, rumbly voice above her head made her feel safe and secure. It was an amazing feeling that only added to the alien emotions overrunning her control.
    “But I’m getting you all wet,” she protested, trying to draw away. Caleb shushed her softly and tucked her head under his chin.
    “Think of me as a surrogate father. My Callie is about your age, I figure, and it’s too long since I’ve been able to hold my children close to me. I’m missing a lot of their growing up, stuck here in this city playing at being a lab rat.”
    “I’m so sorry.” She hiccupped, trying desperately to stop the tears but it seemed beyond her at the moment.
    “Shh, honey. It’s not your fault and it’s only temporary.” He rocked her slightly as she continued to cry, but eventually she calmed and he let her go gently, setting her back in her chair. He wasn’t through caring for her. He leaned forward and dabbed at her wet face with a clean napkin, drying her eyes and making her laugh at his antics. “That’s better. All cried out. Now, do you feel better?”
    Oddly, she discovered she did.
    “Yes. Now that you mention it. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never cried like that before the accident.”
    “But you’ve never had emotions before either, have you?” Harry’s quiet voice reminded her that he was still sitting at the table, slowly finishing his dinner.
    “I guess not. It’s hard to get used to.” She sighed and reached for her glass, downing half the cool water in one long sip.
    “You won’t be the last Alvian to have to deal with new emotions. You are but the first of many and the time may come when you can help your brethren learn to cope the 75
    way you are learning to cope. Your mate David can be of help there too, I think, with his healing gifts and his background in psychiatry.” Caleb’s voice rang with authority.
    “Is that something you’ve foreseen?” She was still in awe of the idea

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