Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II

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Authors: Paul Doherty
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XI (Memoires de la Société d’Histoire de Paris)
    Chroniques de London,
ed. C. J. Aungier (Camden Society, 1844)
    Chronographia Regum Francorum,
ed. H. Moranville, I (Société d’Histoire de France, Paris, 1891)
    Cronijke Van Nederlandt,
ed. Charles Piot (Brussels, 1897)
    Flores Historiarum,
ed. H. R. Luard, III (Rolls Series, London, 1890)
    Gesta Edwardi de Caernarvon Auctore Canonico Bridlingtoniensi,
ed. W. Stubbs (Rolls Series, London, 1882–3)
    Les Grandes Chroniques de la France,
ed. M. Paulin, V (Paris, 1837)
    Historia Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres,
ed. J. Raine, I (Surtees Society, Edinburgh, 1939)
    Historiae Anglicanae Decem Scriptores,
ed. R. Twysden (London, 1652)
    Historia Roffensis printed in Anglia Sacra,
ed. H. Wharton, I. (London, 1691)
    Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blandeford Chronica et Annales,
ed. H. T. Riley (Rolls Series, London, 1866)
    Le Livere de reis de Brittanie,
ed. J. Glover (Rolls Series, London, 1865)
    Nicolai Triveti Annalium Continuatio,
ed. A. Hall (Oxford, 1722)
Oeuvres de Froissart,
ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, II (Brussels, 1867)
    The Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden,
ed. C. Babington and J. R. Lumby, VIII (Rolls Series, London, 1865–86)
    Receuil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France,
ed. M. de Wailly, XX, XXI (Paris, 1855)
    Receuil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France,
ed. M. de Wailly, Delisle et Jourdain, XXII, XXIII (Paris, 1855–76)
    Robertus de Avesbury, De Gestis Mirabilibus Regis Edwardi Tertii,
ed. E. M. Thompson (Rolls Series, London, 1889)
    ‘Scalacronica’, ed. H. R. Maxwell,
Scot. Hist. Rev.
III (1905–6), IV (1906–7)
    Vraves Chroniques de Jean le Bel,
ed. M. L. Polain, I (Brussels, 1863)
    Walsingham, Thomas,
Historia Anglicana,
ed. H. T. Riley, I (Rolls Series, 1863)
    Willelmi Cappellani in Brederode postea Monachi et Procuratoris Egmundensis Chronicon,
ed. C. Pijnacker Hondyk, XX (Historisch Genootschap, 3rd Series, Amsterdam, 1904)
Published and Calendared Documents
    Calendar of Chancery Warrants, 1244–1326
    Calendar of Charter Rolls
    Calendar of Close Rolls
    Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland,
ed. J. Bain, III (Edinburgh, 1887)
    Calendar of Fine Rolls
    Calendar of Letterbooks Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London, 1275–1498,
ed. R. Sharpe, Books ‘D’ and ‘E’ (London, 1899–1912)
    Calendar of Papal Registers, Letters II 1305–1341
    Calendar of Patent Rolls
    Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London,
ed. A. H. Thomas (Cambridge, 1926)
    Cole, H.,
Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th Centuries
(London, 1844)
    Devon, F.,
Extracts from the Issue Rolls of the Exchequer
(London, 1837)
    Eulogium Historiarum,
ed. F. S. Haydon (Rolls Series, London, 1863)
    Gesta Abbatum Sancti Albani,
ed. H. T. Riley, II (London, Rolls Series, 1867)
    Groot Charterboek de Graaven Van Holland,
ed. F. Mieris, II (Leyden, 1754)
    Hardy, T. D.,
Syllabus (in English) of the Documents Relating to England and other Kingdoms contained in the collection known as ‘Rhymer’s Foedera’, I
(London, 1869)
    Historical Papers and Letters from Northern Registers
, ed. J. Raine, (Rolls Series, London, 1873)
    The Household Book of Queen Isabella,
ed. F. D. Blackley and G. Hermansen (Edmonton, 1971)
    Inventaires des Manuscrits concernant les Relations de Flandre et L’Angleterre,
ed. J. de St Genois, (Messager des Sciences Historiques, 1842)
    Les Journaux du Tresor de Charles IV,
ed. J. Viard (Paris, 1840)
    Les Journaux du Tresor de Philippe le Bel,
ed. J. Viard (Paris, 1840)
    Letters of Edward, Prince of Wales,
ed. H. Johnstone (Roxburghe Club, 1931)
    Literae Cantuarienses,
ed. J. B. Sheppard (Rolls Series, London, 1889)
    Lords’ Report on the Dignity of a Peer, IV
of St. Edmund’s Abbey,
ed. T. Arnold, II (Rolls Series, London, 1892)
    Monumenta Franciscana,
ed. J. S. Brewer, I (Rolls Series, London, 1858)
    Parliamentary Writs, ed. F. Palgrave II (London

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