Irrefutable Evidence

Irrefutable Evidence by Melissa F. Miller

Book: Irrefutable Evidence by Melissa F. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa F. Miller
squinted and scanned the visible area, searching for Jamie ’ s broad-shouldered silhouette. There. Just to the left of the walkway leading from the garage. His thick-neck peeked out from behind a high hedge, his head swiveled from left to right, sweeping the pie-shaped slice of territory in a constant motion. Every ten minutes or so, he ’ d get up, walk the perimeter, and then return to his station. That was Jamie ’s routine.
    Nino considered waiting until Jamie started his next circuit to jump him, but it was cold and wet, and he had places to be. So he pressed himself against the side of the building and crept toward his old partner. He made no sound. He snuck closer. Near enough to make out the stubble growing under Jamie ’ s hairline along his neck. Jamie continued to scan the space between the garage and the hotel entrance. Nino lowered himself, almost crouching, and duck walked closer.
    “ I can smell you, you know, you big, dumb garlic-eater, ” Jamie said without turning.
    Nino nearly collapsed with laughter. “ Damn, I gotta quit eating that sauce Peaches ’ s wife makes. ”
    Jamie cracked a smile. “ I thought you called it gravy. And, yeah, unless you ’ re trying to stave off a vampire attack. ” He stood, stretching his back until it gave a satisfying crack. “ What are you doing here? ”
    Nino grinned and held up the bakery bag. “ Sissypants dessert delivery. ” He pulled out the cupcake and tossed it toward Jamie, who snagged it out of the air.
    “ Hey, thanks, man. ”
    He tore into the pastry like he was starving, which, Nino figured, was probably the case. Jamie ’ s vegan, slow-food diet didn ’ t really mesh with stakeouts or security details. Most guys would drive through Wendy ’ s for a burger and fries to tide them over, but not his partner. Jamie would bring along some raw almonds to nibble on like he was a freaking squirrel or something.
    Jamie swallowed the last bite then crumpled the wrapped into a ball, jammed it into his pocket, and belched loudly.
    “ I see the sorority girl still hasn ’ t managed to teach you manners. ”
    “ Man, I broke up with Lisette weeks ago. Where ’ ve you been? ”
    “ Let ’ s see? Oh, I know, I ’ ve been driving some piece of crap gangster around to strip clubs and lawn bowling matches. ”
    “ Bocce ’ s not the same thing as lawn bowling, Carlucci. How dumb are you? ”
    Nino laughed. He ’ d missed this ribbing more than he ’ d realized. Being cut off from his family and friends kind of sucked, but not being able to jaw with Jamie was easily the worst of it.
    His eyes must have given him away or something because Jamie got serious. “ I ’ ve missed you, man. It ’ s weird not being able to talk to you. ”
    “ You ’ re telling me. ”
    Neither of them spoke for a moment. Then the silence grew awkward and heavy. Nino cleared his throat. “ Anyway. I heard from the Double C that you caught a big fish. ”
    Jamie nodded. “ Yeah man. Cashion ’ s got her panties in a twist over this one. Apparently this Asian broad knows enough to bring down the whole family. ”
    “ She ’ s Asian? ”
    “ Yeah. Yim. She seems pretty cool. Scared to death and in way over her head. But she ’ s a straight shooter. I ’ m gonna take her back home early Sunday morning, once we get a team in place in Jersey. Cashion sent her to the ballet tonight to take her mind off things. ”
    “ The ballet? ” Cashion was such a weirdo. “ Who wants to go to the ballet? ”
    “ Chicks dig it, Carlucci. Maybe if you ever got close to a lady you ’ d know that. ”
    “ Whatever. So why aren ’ t you all cleaned up in a monkey suit watching dudes jump around in leotards? ”
    “ Because the Double C thought Yim would be more comfortable with another woman, so I tagged Romaneski to go with her. ”
    “ Huh. When you off? ”
    “ I took the overnight. Fat Paul relieves me at six. ”
    It was going to be a long, chilly night for Jamie. Nino

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