Iron Lace

Iron Lace by Lorena Dureau

Book: Iron Lace by Lorena Dureau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorena Dureau
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laughed, finding her attitude more humorous
than exasperating at this point. "When will you ever face the fact that
you are no longer a colony of France but of Spain? Do you realize that,
like it or not, you are really a Spanish citizen, since you were born
here in a Spanish colony? As for this ridiculous war between Spain and
France, you can thank your French revolutionaries for that.
Traditionally, Spain and France have been more allies than enemies, but
when rabble rule took over in Paris and they began beheading everyone
in sight, including even their anointed king and queen, our King Carlos
had little choice except to go to war against the ones in power now.
After all, Spain is a monarchy. It could hardly condone the destruction
of another monarchy. But the war is with the new political
regime—the leaders of that reign of terror they are calling a
revolution—not with the real French nation."
    Monique gave a disdainful toss of her head. "Some blood
must always be spilled when old evils have to be uprooted," she
replied, "but once the new government settles down, things will be
better, you'll see. Then perhaps France will want us back. It was a
king who gave us away, but now that the old regime has been overthrown,
perhaps the wrong that was done us will be righted by the new ones in
power and we here in Louisiana will be accepted again by our mother
    Vidal smiled patiently. "Now you're just repeating things
you've read in those leaflets. Louisiana was given to Spain in an
honorable treaty as payment of a debt that could hardly be ignored.
It's wishful thinking on the part of your people to go on dreaming of
belonging to France once more. Even if Louisiana were ever to return to
French rule, I'm willing to bet that France would be using the colony
to barter for something else before too long. I hate to disillusion
you, but unfortunately the country you people here so passionately
persist in clinging to doesn't really give a fig for you. That's a fact
all you hotheaded young rebels will have to face sooner or later."
    "But enough of politics. I want to talk to you about the
plantation. I understand that you and Celeste aren't too happy over our
going there to spend a few months. It will probably only be until the
fall—just a month or so more than what you've been accustomed
to spending at Le Rêve every year. Is that so terrible? I'd hoped you
might welcome the change for a little while."
    "But there's nothing going on there," she lamented
tragically. "I've always found the summers at the plantation rather
    "Well, I hope this year will be different," ventured
Vidal. "For one thing, I think it's time you become a little more
familiar with the operation of the plantation itself. Since it will
pass into your and Celeste's hands when you become of age, I think it'd
be wise for you to start learning something about running it so that
you'll be more prepared when that time comes."
    Monique shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Oh, I doubt
I'll have to worry about such things," she quipped. "I'll probably
entrust the management of the property and crops to a good
administrator, or, more than likely, my husband."
    "Of course," agreed Vidal. "I'm sure you will, but it
still wouldn't hurt for you to know at least enough about such things
to be able to know whether your affairs are being handled wisely or
not. After all, you wouldn't want to be cheated."
    Monique tossed her pale gold ringlets flippantly. "But if
you are to be both my teacher and my administrator, with what criterion
should I judge you, then?"
    The color heightened in Vidal's cheeks. "As your guardian,
I'm answerable to the courts," he replied, a sharp edge cutting into
his usually well modulated voice. "If you think I'm being wasteful or
dishonest with your inheritance, you and your grandmother have a right
to press charges against me."
    It was her turn to blush now. She lowered her eyes
quickly, already regretting her taunt. Her cousin was a

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