Intent to Seduce & a Glimpse of Fire

Intent to Seduce & a Glimpse of Fire by Debbi Rawlins, Cara Summers

Book: Intent to Seduce & a Glimpse of Fire by Debbi Rawlins, Cara Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbi Rawlins, Cara Summers
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
her here. If they’d stayed at the cabin, he wouldn’t be sitting alone in a bar, nursing a beer. They could be lying right now on that narrow bed.
    Leaning against the back of the booth, he allowed the image to slip into his mind—those smooth legs wrapping around him, drawing him closer, trapping him. Right now he could be pushing into her heat, withdrawing and pushing in again. Deeper. He could almost feel her wet, silk heat closing around him.
    “If you’re not waiting for someone…”
    Lucas’s eyes shot open at the voice. It was Mac’s. Perhaps a little huskier. But the blonde standing a few feet away from his table had to be a stranger. Still half caught up in the fantasy he’d fashioned in his mind, he blinked and tried to focus.
    She wore a bright red skirt, barely the length of a dinnernapkin. It fit her like a second skin and seemed to stop where her legs began. His throat went dry as his gaze moved down the length of them, then back up to where the skirt rode high on her thighs. Was she wearing anything beneath it?
    “That outfit…” he began.
    When she whirled in front of him, the skirt inched even higher.
    “You like it?”
    “Mac?” He dragged his gaze from the miraculous legs up her body to her…. He could see her nipples through the stretchy fabric of the tank top—perfect little buds. With great effort he managed to focus on her face. Her blond hair looked mussed, as if some man had just run his hands through it several times. And her eyes—they were huge, heavy-lidded…and there was no mistaking that golden-brown color.
    “Mac, what in hell are you doing?”
    In a flash she had slid in beside him in the back of the booth. “Shh.” She gave him a slow wink. “You’re mistaken. I’m not Mac. I’m Sally. And you’re…” She paused to slip a finger beneath the button of his polo shirt and flick it free of its hole. “You’re John.”
    “My first of the day.” Leaning closer, she lowered her voice. “We’re complete strangers. We’ve never met before. You saw me on the beach when you were docking your boat, and you’ve just invited me to join you in your very fancy hotel for a drink. I’ve never been in a place quite like this before.”
    Pausing, she glanced around, then dipped her finger into the water that ran over the rocks behind them. Slowly, she ran her damp finger along his jaw, then down his throat until she could unfasten the next button of his shirt.
    She leaned closer. “It’s Sally. The fantasy will be more enjoyable if you let yourself get into it. Since you didn’t want to fill out the questionnaire, I chose one of the most popular ones—sex with a perfect stranger.”
    She freed another button on his shirt.
    “I’m hoping you’ll like it. This too.”
    She set a package on the table. “I stopped in the gift shop and got you a surprise. Take a look and tell me what you think.”
    He was finding it difficult to think at all while he could feel the hard pebbles of her breasts brushing against his arm. But he found his gaze wandering to the bag. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had bought him a surprise. It had been sweet of Mac to think of it—except that it might not have been Mac but Sally who’d bought him the gift.
    Her fingernail traced a line down the center of his chest, sending little ribbons of heat outward and downward. Then her fingers were on his belt, pulling it free. He clamped his fingers around her wrist. “Stop.”
    “You don’t really want me to.” Her free hand dropped to his thigh.
    “We’re in a public place.” The ribbons of heat had burst into flames where her hand was resting. “Let’s go.”
    “You’re embarrassed. That’s so cute.”
    “Cute?” He stared at her for a minute. All he could see was a mixture of amusement and excitement in her eyes. “You’re enjoying this.”
    She leaned closer and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Because I’m Sally. Getting into these

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