
Intensity by S. Briones Lim Page A

Book: Intensity by S. Briones Lim Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Briones Lim
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worried about her, but try not to worry so much. Cash is a pussy. As long as she keeps her wits up, she’ll be able to take him.”
    “Sounds to me that it’s pussy he wants,” Celine quipped.
    Brian leaned back in his seat. He remained quiet for a moment, merely tapping his fingers on the wheel. Finally he said, “I have to admit I was a bit disappointed when I first saw you both.”
    “What do you mean?” Celine asked in surprise.
    “I was hoping you knew better by now not to be such big Intensifiers.” He laughed.
    Celine joined in his laughter and habitually brushed her hair back. Brian’s smile faltered when he noticed the diamond on her finger.
    “So you’re really getting married,” he said quietly. “Lucky guy.”
    He quietly turned up the radio, quickly switching stations as soon as an Intensity song began playing.

    Chapter 14
    “What’s up with your friend?” Cash asked as Ruthie and the band all loaded into a 15-seater mini-van. She entered the car and looked around in awe. After all those years trying to track the band down, here she was actually riding with them!
    “Did you hear me?” Cash’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
    Ruthie blinked. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”
    Cash laughed, repeating, “What’s up with your friend? Is she always that uptight?”
    Ruthie glued her lips together. She hated talking about Celine behind her back. In fact, she never had a need to, but this time she felt like she needed a release. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “However, she seemed really on top of her game this time around.”
    Cash shook his head. “Hate to say it, but she’s temporarily on my crap-list right now.”
    “Your what?” Ruthie asked, feeling her stomach drop.
    “Well, it’s a rung above my shit list, I’ll give you that. Being on the crap list means you have some redeemable qualities. In fact, you can somehow work your way off the crap list.” He ran his tongue over the bottom of his front teeth and shook his head. “Shit list? Not so much.”
    “I’m still on the crap list,” Braedon joked, obviously noticing Ruthie’s discomfort.
    Ruthie cleared her throat. “Yeah, I’m not sure what’s up with her. But I promise she’s really a great person.”
    Cash snickered. “That’s what they all say.”
    “Wow!” Ruthie breathed as they pulled up to what reminded her of a modern day Hogwarts. The hotel was obviously five-star and one she would never have been able to stay in otherwise.
    “Welcome to your humble abode for the night,” Cash yelled over the commotion.
    The group was surrounded by security guards, who were desperately trying to push back the growing number of fans who were gathered around the entrance. A line of paparazzi also surrounded them, hounding, pushing, and calling out their names.
    “Cash! Cash! Is that your new girlfriend?”
    “Hey, Legs!” someone called out to Ruthie. “Turn around and give me a smile.”
    Having only ever seen such chaos on television, Ruthie was a bit taken off guard. Feeling uncomfortable, she forced a smile. Cash reached around her waist and pulled her closer. “Stick with me, I know it can get overwhelming sometimes.”
    They finally made it inside the lobby, which was closed off to the rest of the public. “Did you rent this whole place out?” Ruthie asked in wonder as she eyed the deserted room. Their footsteps echoed with each step they took, only accentuating the emptiness.
    Cash smiled. “No, but they do give us a small window of time where they allow us free rein so we can make it up to our rooms before the crowds burst in.”
    The word ‘rooms’ jogged Ruthie’s memory. “Oh! Do I have to check in or something?”
    “Brian already took care of that for you. You have the room right next to mine.” He smiled slyly.
    “Sounds great,” she said in barely a whisper. Oh. how she prayed they’d have adjoining rooms!
    Celine and Brian were

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