Inner Guidance
with a Loved One
    She was learning patience, as well as compassion for others. I began to recognize that yes, Debbe was better off than ever before.
    And this transformation gave her a special sweetness as another chapter unfolded in her life. During her struggle to learn to walk, drive, be independent, and return to work, suddenly she fell in love. Marty was good for her, treating her with consideration and kindness, and soon they were married. And, as time passed, Debbe gave birth to a son, Joey. She was, at that point, happier than I had ever seen her.
    A fter this experience with Debbe, I returned to my classes and my students and Jon. As I resumed my normal routine and moved with balance back into my career and friendships, the mystical experiences, the spiritual guidance, and the classroom drama continued to unfold.
    Not surprisingly, my spiritual experiences only intensified. I had discovered how our inner guidance can protect us and those we love. It was beginning to dawn on me that such inner guidance is universally available to everyone—a gift from God—to help us learn to love more unconditionally. The time with Debbe highlighted what I was to learn more about later in Eckankar: there are solutions to our questions, issues, and problems that are beyond anything we can reason with our magnificent, yet not infinite minds.
    And the most valuable lesson of all? It was number ten in my instructions, and it moved me to a new optimism and enthusiasm for life, born of faith and trust:
    “Remember, everything is always happening exactly as it should, whether it appears that way or not.”
    Inner Guidance_CH 06-10.p65
    7/3/2013, 7:58 AM
    Saying Yes to the Great
    Adventure of Life:
    Inner Guidance
    Opens Amazing Doors
    Seize the moment, seize the day—and em-
    brace life with joy and wonder. The ECK teachings offer you a simple way to enjoy life to the fullest measure: the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.
    Do them daily, do them well. For they bring love.
    —Harold Klemp
    The Living Word , Book 213
    W e were standing in the principal’s office—
    four teachers who all knew that one of us
    was about to be asked to volunteer. “So who’s it going to be?” the principal demanded. No extra pay and give up a Saturday. Not a great idea, I thought. He was asking for a volunteer to escort a small group of top students to a scholarship competition.
    The test was over an hour’s drive away, on a Saturday during summer vacation, which was about to begin. Nope, not me , I inwardly responded as I turned to step away.
    Inner Guidance_CH 06-10.p65
    7/3/2013, 7:58 AM
    Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright
    Then I heard the still, quiet voice, more like a nudge than direct inner guidance. But it was there.
    Oh, no! I was being guided to volunteer? Give up a whole day off for students I worked with all week?
    Sometimes when we give to others, when we are willing to serve, we discover greater gifts waiting for us, more valuable than anything we might give. Whatever we give is returned to us many times over. We do not give for that reason, but it is a spiritual principle that is always working in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.
    Apparently, I was being guided to give.
    Actually, I felt as if I were being pushed from behind—shoved, ever so gently—by the Inner Master.
    Could such a moment be worthy of the attention of the Mahanta, my inner guide? Yet, in truth, nothing is too minor for the Mahanta’s loving attention.
    Suddenly it did not matter that the test was being given in a remote school located in the Indiana coun-tryside or that there was a long drive involved. Hesitating for only a moment, I sighed and spoke up.
    “I’ll do it,” I replied quietly. I confirmed with the principal my willingness to take on this extracurricular mission.
    In even the smallest things, as we learn to follow the lead of our inner guidance, we find the wisdom and gifts of the universe waiting for us.
    W hen we

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