
Inky by JB Hartnett Page A

Book: Inky by JB Hartnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: JB Hartnett
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cried out with him, gasping and saying his name. When we both started to come down from our climax, I realized I’d been holding my breath, “Fuck me, Ink, that was incredible.”
    “You weren’t too bad yourself.” The only problem was, I was pretty sure the name I cried out wasn’t his.

Chapter 11
    The previous night, Aimes had given me specific instructions for the following day of our shopping excursion. I was to be dressed and ready to go by nine a.m.
    Gus had greeted me again this morning and gave both Aimes and I a travel mug full of coffee along with a bagel wrapped up in foil so the cream cheese was nice and melted.
    “You gals have fun. Give me a kiss, sugar.”
    Aimes complied with a huge smile on her face, a smile I had never seen her wear before. Not only was it nice to have Gus around, it was great to see her so happy.
    As we headed north on Pacific Coast Highway, I decided to ask her all about it, “So, Gus, huh?” She said nothing, she just kept smiling. “Do you want to talk about it?” I inquired.
    “Are you sure you want to hear about it?” she asked grinning from ear to ear.
    “Of course I do. I’ve been, you know, distracted but I want to know everything.”
    “Well, he tells me I’m beautiful every day. He makes me coffee every morning and he cooks, Ink; the man cooks and he’s good at it. And he loves me. He told me he loved me yesterday.” If it was possible, her smile got even bigger.
    “That’s great, Aimes. What’s he gonna do? I noticed he’s always at our place. I don’t care of course but does he have a home?” she laughed.
    “Actually his ex kind of has it.”
    “Is he gonna go back?”
    “To his ex?” She exclaimed horrified.
    “No, to the Marines? I just assumed the ex was out of the picture.”
    “Nope. He’s done. He could get a job in Dallas pretty easily but he wants to stay here. He said it depends though.”
    “On what?” I assumed I knew the answer to this question but asked anyway.
    “Me.” Again, her smile was as big as Texas.
    “He’s giving up the military and he wants to stay here. For me. No one has ever done that. I don’t know if it’s fair. We’ve only been together for a month? A little more?”
    Like I was one to talk.
    “He loves you…do you love him?”
    “Yep.” She didn’t hesitate at all.
    “Just keep having fun and get to know each other better. Enjoy it. I don’t think he’s going anywhere. He seems…smitten. So cute with his little accent.”
    “Believe me, there’s nothing little about that man.” We both burst out laughing.
    “He’s strong, that’s for sure.” I said. “I was remembering when he lifted me into the bath. He picked me up like I was a pillow.”
    “How about you? How’re things with Evan?” She just had to ask me that, didn’t she? I didn’t answer. “Damn it, Ink. What is it now?” She laughed but there was truth in her sarcastic jab.
    I took a deep breath and decided to explain.
    “I think I fucked up. No, I’m sure I did but I got away with it so I’m not even sure if it counts.”
    “Yeah, I’m gonna need more information.” She stated.
    “Oh. I forgot you can’t read minds.” I only said this to gather my thoughts, still trying to figure them out myself. “So, we went down to the beach…oh, I think your pipe is in Evan’s jacket. Anyway, we got high and drank tequila. It was great, awesome, just like old times, right? Except it wasn’t just like old times. He was adamant that I used to get high with him when we’d go down to the beach and I would always bring the pipe but I never did, not once. So, either he has me mixed up with someone else or he was so damn high he can’t remember. That’s not the bad part though. We had sex…awesome sex, totally different than normal but, uh…pretty sure I said someone else’s name when I, uh…”
    “When you came.” She said bluntly.
    “Yeah.” I exhaled.
    “Are you sure? I mean, you don’t smoke, ever,

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