Melting the Ice Witch
seeing you stand up against the dragons for being stupid," Lor explained.
    "Oh," Kam finally said after a long moment to fight down his blush. Lor wasn't being subtle about just how nice he thought Kam's actions had been. Lor's body was pressed firmly against Kam's back, his hips tight to Kam's bottom, and it was impossible for Kam to get any other conclusion from Lor's statement given just what was poking him in the butt.
    "You'll have to practice," Lor continued, but Kam wasn't sure if Lor meant practice his magic, which Kam had already been planning to do, or practice tumbling down in their sleeping furs. Both sounded like fun, but the latter wasn't something they should be thinking about when they were in plain view of the three people waiting impatiently for them on the sled.
    "When we get back to our tent, I'll practice," Kam agreed. He pushed his hips seductively back into Lor's and craned his neck around until he could press a chaste, yet still promising, kiss to Lor's lips. Kam pulled away and joined Mae on the sled, hoping his fur coat hid his own visible reaction to Lor's suggestions.
    After a long moment, Lor climbed onto the back of the sled next to where Hern was holding the guide whip. Moments later they were off, gliding over the snow as fast as the dogs could carry them.
    It was only a short journey of a few hours, but they were racing the sun home. Originally they had decided to sleep in the in the small house or barn to avoid being out on the ice after nightfall, but the fiasco with the dragons as well as the fact that the negotiations had ended much earlier than planned, meant that if they hurried they could sleep in their own furs that night instead.
    The sun was just a sliver above the mountains, heading past dangerous into deadly for those still on the ice, when the camp finally came into view. Kam immediately noticed something odd. There were many more tents than usual!
    Lor and Mae both groaned at the same time and didn't seem surprised when Cara, Ness, and Lenny all came running when the sled was spotted.
    "Bay is here," Cara explained when the sled slid to a stop closest to her.
    "I guessed," Mae grumbled dryly. "Any particular reason why Bay decided to move his entire clan south to join ours?" she asked.
    "The White Dragon," Ness explained. "Apparently White decided to inform Bay that the clans were going to be one again. Bay's been raging about food supplies and hunting parties since."
    "The clans were divided for a reason," Lor grumbled, stepping off the sled first. "We couldn't sustain a large Tribe hunting the same ground, so we separated far enough that our hunting circles wouldn't overlap. It's a three day journey from their camp to ours."
    "White must have made them move first thing after he left us four days ago," Mae agreed as she joined Lor off the sled. "Might as well get this over with," she added as she pulled the packing tube containing their copy of the trade agreement off the sled.
    Kam hurried to free the dogs from their traces so Hern and Tomm could put the sled away. The dogs happily trotted off to explore the new people Kam could see seated around the central fire, but Kam headed directly to where Lor was quickly getting into an argument with a tall man next to the fire.
    The man stood like Lor, as if he had power and the authority to use it. His hair was also long and intricately braided, but it was the more natural faded blond color shared by most members of the Tribe. Kam could see his eyes were snapping blue, which made Kam believe that the man must be related to Lor in some distant way.
    Then Lor snarled, "Father, please listen!" just as Kam stepped up next to him.
    "Bay," Mae added, "we have a solution if you'd just care to listen!"
    The strange man was Bay, the leader and witch of the only other clan camp out on the wastes, and he was Lor's father.
    Bay snorted. "Listen to my deserter son? I see no reason to lower myself that far. I am here because White ordered me to

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