Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts)

Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts) by Nicole Smith

Book: Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts) by Nicole Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Smith
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mumble, you were calling for Adam,” my mother was pale and trembling as she talked. She looked at me gravely.
    “I think his mission was to save your life Natalie. He might be gone now too, just like the others,” she said, putting together pieces I already knew.
    “No, he can’t go. He has to see me before he goes. I belong to him. I am his life and he will not leave me,” I said, unable to stop the tears. My mother squeezed my hand then stood and said she’d come back later. The nurse came in and quickly noticed my state. She left and came back with a sedative which she injected into my arm. My mother looked like she could have used a sedative too.
    As I slept I dreamt of Adam again. This time I was running through his house, searching every room. I called his name over and over again. He never answered. I ran outside. I was running towards the river. I fell so many times, my legs were bleeding. I just kept getting up and running. When I reached the river I called his name again. He still didn’t answer. I ran to the edge of the river and started wading out. My white dress was floating along the top. I sank deeper into the river until the water was over my head. When I looked up I realized that the river had frozen over. There was a sheet of ice above my head. I had nowhere to go. I tried to smash the ice with my fists but it didn’t work. When I stopped fighting it I began to sink even deeper in the water.
    A hand reached through the ice and pulled me up so fast I smashed through it. I landed on the edge of the river, cold and shaking. Adam was on the other side, walking away from me. I tried to call him, but all I could do was spit out water. He was gone. Hayden appeared beside me with a blanket. He wrapped it around me and carried me to his car again. He turned the heat up and we drove away.
    I awoke crying again. The nurse was in my room and she heard my sobs.
    “What’s wrong Natalie? Did you have a bad dream darling?” she asked. I looked at her, trying to hold back my tears.
    “It’s so much worse than a bad dream, its reality,” I whispered as I rolled over on my pillow.
    “Can I get you something to help you sleep?” she asked, really wishing she could ease my pain.
    “No thank you. What I need doesn’t come in pill form,” I smiled, it comes in the shape of a tall, blue eyed, beautiful man, I thought to myself, with the most heavenly voice.
    “I miss you Adam,” I whispered.
    “I’m here Natalie,” he replied. I jumped up, looking around, almost pulling the IV from my arm. The door to my room closed slowly as the nurse left. He was, standing in my hospital room. He was so perfect, my angel.
    “I thought the hospital was too far away for you, out of your reach?” I stammered.
    “I can’t stay long. I am being called home,” he said smiling.
    “No, no, no! You’re leaving now? After all this time, now they call you? When I need you more than ever?” I cried.
    “I was here to save you from the river. I was obliged to save you from trying to join me in my world. I wish we could have had more time Natalie. I have no choice, I have to go now. Natalie, it might be my only chance. Your time will come eventually, especially the way you seem to always end up in the hospital,” he said grinning. I didn’t smile back.
    “Will you be able to come visit me?” I asked, scared this really might be real. I may never see him again. He walked over to me, picked me up and carefully sat on my bed with me cradled in his arms. He kissed my forehead gently. I nuzzled into his neck, not wanting to ever let him go.
    “I love you,” I told him. He kissed my eyes, then my cheeks. He held my face in his hands and kissed my lips. He was so gentle. I was tingling all over. How was I supposed to live without him? I knew I couldn’t. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t my `happily ever after’, this can’t end.
    “I will always be watching out for you. I am your angel, now and for always. Please take

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