Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild

Book: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Wild
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family, not a drain upon it.”
    What does she know about family? Laura thought. She’s
certainly not a part of this one.
    “I suppose you may be right,” her father sighed. “But the
    “Is nothing compared to the amount you have lavished on her
up until now. Shall I telegram him or do you want to put up with her stamping
her feet and screaming for the next forty or fifty years?”
    There was a scraping back of chairs and Laura tiptoed away,
her brow furrowed. What were they talking about? Was Maria trying to get her
sent away? The one thing she felt certain of was the security of knowing her
father would never allow it.

    Chapter 2
    Laura’s father stood in her bedroom doorway. “You’re being
sent away,” he said, taking a step backwards as a perfume bottle flew past his
head. “Please calm down dear.”
    “Sent away!” she screamed. “Like a dog that bites its
master? Like a leper? Are you ashamed of me father, is that it?”
    “No my angel,” he said, trying a smile. “It’s just Maria
feels…that is, we both feel that you might benefit from a finishing school
education of some sort.”
    “So you are ashamed of me. This is all because you had to
marry that little whore of yours isn’t it?”
    “Please do not call my wife a whore.”
    “Whore, whore, whore.”
    He turned away. “The decision is made. He will be here to
collect you tomorrow morning.”
    Another perfume bottle flew after him, sending pungent scent
into the air as it smashed into a portrait of the 3 rd Viscount of
Cricklewood, her father’s great, great grandfather.
    Laura spent the rest of the day thinking of a way to get
revenge. Walking out in the grounds she spotted one of the gardeners and an
idea formed in her mind. “If he married a whore, maybe he wants a whore for a
daughter, she thought, striding over to the gardener.
    “Afternoon miss,” the man said, standing up and inclining
his cap.
    “It’s Harry isn’t it?” she asked, stepping closer towards
    “That’s right miss.”
    “Well Harry, I wondered if you might take a walk with me.
There’s a flower I found in the wood which I wish you to identify.”
    “Very good miss.”
    They made their way across the lawn and onto the mossy path
which led towards the copse of birch trees. Turning left at a fork, Laura led
the way towards a clearing. “Where’s the flower miss?” Harry asked, glancing
around him as she stopped.
    “Oh you’ll see it in a minute,” she replied, stretching up
and planting a kiss on his lips.
    “What are you doing?” he asked, pushing her away from him.
“You’ll get me in trouble with his lordship.”
    “I won’t tell if you won’t,” she replied, grabbing hold of
his arms and kissing him again. This time she pushed her tongue into his mouth,
surprised by how good it felt.
    She’d never kissed anyone before but she’d read all about it
in countless books, practising in front of her mirror for years so she’d be
ready when the time came.
    She thought of her father and Maria’s face when they found
out she’d kissed a gardener. The disgust in their eyes.
    Her thoughts were brought back to what was happening as
Harry slid his arms around her, holding her body against his.
    “What are you doing?” she asked. “Unhand me at once.”
    “Not yet,” he replied, pressing his lips to hers. As his
tongue plunged deep into her mouth, she felt him stiffen against her, digging
into her stomach through his trousers.
    She hadn’t planned to go any further but feeling that heat
against her made her woozy, desire taking over her thoughts. She moved her
hands between their bodies and squeezed his shaft through his trousers,
enjoying the spongy firmness of it as he sighed into her mouth.
    “What’s it look like?” she asked. “Can I see?”
    Sinking to her knees, she stared at his crotch as he
unbuttoned his flies and reached inside, pulling out his erect cock. “There you
go,” he said. “What do you

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