Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild Page B

Book: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Wild
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wouldn’t dare,” she replied, tossing the nappy towards
his face.
    He batted it aside and grabbed her, sitting on the edge of
the bed and bending her over his knee, exposing the pert roundness of her
buttocks as he drew back his hand. Whipping downwards, he landed a blow on her
bottom, the smacking sound echoing round the room.
    “Ow!” she cried. “Unhand me at once.”
    “I gave you fair warning,” he replied, spanking her again.
“You will learn soon enough you little brat.”
    His hand descended at speed again and again until her bottom
stung painfully. When he finally let her go, she leapt to her feet and glared
at him. “My father shall hear of this,” she said, taking a step towards the
    He blocked her passage, tossing her back onto the bed and
again tying the nappy in place. “I warn you to leave that in place,” he said as
her hands went to the knots once more. Still feeling the sting in her bottom,
she moved her hands away, quivering as he towered over her.
    “That’s better,” he said, a flicker of a smile crossing his
lips. “Good girl. Now get dressed.”
    “With you in the room? I think not.”
    “Very well.”
    Holding her wrist in an insanely firm grip, he yanked open
the wardrobe and pulled out the first dress he found, a light summer frock that
she had not worn for years. Ignoring her wriggling protest, he got the
nightdress off her shoulders, replacing it with the dress, seemingly
indifferent to the sight of her naked body.
    “We are leaving,” he said, dragging her from the room.
    “You might be but I am staying here,” she replied, digging
her heels into the carpet. “Father!” she yelled but there was no reply.
    “This is the way it must be,” the man said, thumping his way
downstairs with her in tow. The front door was open and he half carried her
out, tossing her into the waiting carriage before climbing in beside her.
“Drive on!” he shouted and the wheels began to turn.
    “You’re kidnapping me!” she yelled. “I’ll see you hang at
the Assizes for this.”
    “I have the consent of your father. This is not kidnapping.
This is the commencement of your education. You shall not return here until you
are a lady.”
    “I am a lady!”
    “You are a whining, snivelling brat who needs to learn many
a lesson but do not fear, I shall teach you all you require soon enough. Now
you will sit there in silence and I shall read and if there is so much as a
peep out of you, another smacked bottom will be the result. Am I understood?”
    She scowled at him as he leaned towards her, lowering his
voice. “When I ask a question, you reply yes sir. Am I understood?”
    “You’re insane.”
    He grabbed hold of her, tossing her over his lap and lifting
her dress and yanking down the nappy to expose her bottom once more. He began
to spank her, the blows landing equally on each cheek until she cried out for
him to stop. He counted ten smacks before sitting her up once more. “Am I
    Laura felt heat spreading into her body from her bottom as
she sat gingerly back on her seat. “Yes sir,” she said quietly, wondering how
soon she could escape back home.
    “That’s better,” he replied. “Now silence.”
    Laura sat in her place, her heart pounding, glancing across
at him as he pulled out a book and began to read. He was tall, stout but not
fat, his strength already proven. There were strong muscles hidden under his
greatcoat and his face was as stern and dead as a statue.
    As time passed, she became increasingly restless but each time
she attempted to shift in her seat, he glared at her, his eyes flashing a
silent warning.
    The only way she could keep track of the hours was by the
changing light. By the time the sun began to set she found herself needing the
toilet. She shuffled in her seat again, sitting on her hands and squeezing her
bare toes together. “Sit still,” he warned.
    “I need us to stop for a moment.”
    “Whatever for?”
    “I…I need the

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