In the Stillness

In the Stillness by Andrea Randall Page B

Book: In the Stillness by Andrea Randall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Randall
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Romance, Contemporary
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the plane. I don’t know why, but it was like the moment was too heavy for me to deal with. I wanted to run full-speed into his arms, but, then, he was shot in the back and I had no idea what point he was at in the healing process.
    “Ok, then, will you at least come to the house and wait for us to come home?” His tone was expectant.  
    “I will. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      I hadn’t cut since the night after Lucas’s funeral because that time I felt a little too out of control—almost afraid that I wouldn’t be able to stop. But, I wanted to the night before Ryker came home—I didn’t sleep at all. I can’t really explain it. I was elated to hold Ryker again, to feel his lips against mine, but I was almost more anxious than I was the night before he left. I mean, he’d been to war , his best friend died . . . I didn’t know what that did to a person, but I knew I was about to find out.
    Bill left me the key for his house, so I sat nervously in the living room, jumping to look out the window at the sound of any car. Apparently Ryker’s mom had flown to see him at Walter Reed but was back in Wyoming  
    From what Bill told me, as soon as Ryker was finished with therapy, he would be discharged from the National Guard. Whether or not he wanted to re-enlist was up to him and how his injury healed, Bill said. I didn’t want to think about that. I just wanted Ryker.  
    Compose yourself , I thought as Bill’s car finally pulled into the driveway. Let him get out of the car and make it to the house. I don’t remember when I started crying, but tears were spilling helplessly down my face as I watched Ryker and his sexy smile get out of the car. I noticed he was holding his right hand at kind of an odd angle, but knew that was nerve damage from the bullet.  
    Screw composure.
    I ripped open the front door and flew down the three stone steps that separated me from the man I loved. An audible sob stood in place of where I’d intended to call out his name.  
    “Natalie!” His smile was bigger than I thought it would be, and I was relieved.  
    When I threw my arms around his neck, I felt him lift me in the air with only his left arm squeezed around my waist.  
    “I love you,” I said over and over again as I kissed his lips. My body was shaking with tears and nerves. When he finally set me down, I noticed Bill wasn’t around. He’d quietly gone inside.
    Ryker stroked his hand over my head and down my hair, tugging playfully at the ends. “I missed you like crazy, Nat. Come here.” He pulled me once again into a hug.  
    I pulled away with my hands still on his face, studying every feature. His blonde buzz cut was as tight as always. I rubbed my hand over his head, making him smile. He was much darker, making his piercing blue eyes even more striking. I wanted, for just a second, to crawl into his eyes and see what he’d seen. To understand what I’d be dealing with. For the moment, though, I thought it better to leave well enough alone. He was home, he was smiling, and that was good enough.
    “How’s your shoulder?” I felt like an idiot as soon as I said it. Um, shot. That’s how it is.
    Ryker shrugged. “Fine. The bullet tore through and fucked up a bunch of nerves. I’ll be good with therapy. Let’s go inside.”
    Do I mention Lucas? Where’s my damn handbook?
    We walked over to the couch and sat down; Ryker never let go of my hand. Bill entered. “I’m heading out for a few minutes to give you kids some time alone.” He turned to Ryker. “You’ve got one hell of a girl here. It’s good to have you home, son.” Bill gave a firm pat to Ryker’s knee and headed out the door.
    I suddenly felt warm, like I was blushing. I swallowed hard and turned toward Ryker. “I missed you, Ry.” I pressed my forehead into his uniform and started sobbing.
    “I’m here, Babe, it’s okay. I’m fine. It’s fine.” He rubbed my back and kissed my head. Consoling me when he was the one just home

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