
Imperfections by Shaniel Watson

Book: Imperfections by Shaniel Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaniel Watson
ass for telling him to come down here."
    "I did no such thing. He asked me what I was doing today and I told him. I swear to you I did not invite him. He said he was hungry and he liked the food here. I didn't even know he was going to show up."
    "I'm sure you didn't."
    "I didn't, but I'm glad he did. Now I get to spend the night with Chris."
    "And his friends. It's not a date."
    "I will take him anyway I can get him. You never know what a night of drinking can lead to; hopefully it'll lead to his lips on mine."
    This is going to be like watching an episode of Tom and Jerry . "Do me a favor? Don't try to push things with Nick and me tonight, I want to hang out and have fun."
    "If you promise me that you will have a few drinks, and I mean real drinks; none of that fruity girly stuff you usually drink, and find yourself a hot guy to bump and grind on the dance floor with. Okay?"
    "I can't make any promises with my brother there when it comes to the drinking but I wouldn't mind bumping and grinding with a hot guy. That's one thing I'm seriously in need of."
    "Hell yeah, you are and don't worry if you can't find one. I'll find one for you, I mean really, what else are friends for?"
    "Come on, skank, let's get out of here, I have to get ready for tonight. I don't even know if I have anything to wear. I might have to go shopping."
    "Honey, please, whether you have something or not we're going shopping, don't say anything, it's on me."
    "I can't let you do that." She grabs my hand and drags me toward the door.
    "Hush up and let's go, my treat. Besides, I have my own boutique, it's a business write off. You have to spend money to make money, I can afford it."

Chapter Five

    Chris and I are sitting in a booth with two friends we went to high school with at Clutch, a new club. It's supposed to be one of the hottest spots. The bar is packed and the music is pretty good, loud as hell though. Hot, scantily dressed women who think they're God's gift to men are waiting for a rich sap or a wannabe baller to buy them a drink. They'll shake their asses for them once or twice on the dance floor to make them feel good. They're more artificial than a Twinkie, but unlike the Twinkie, their shelf life is ten years from the day they turn eighteen. By then they've partied so hard to try and catch a man with all the nips and tucks they look like they're about fifty going on sixty.
    Looking around the room I scan the crowd on the dance floor to see if Cat is here yet. She was supposed to be here an hour ago with Ava who has probably changed outfits a hundred times by now. I know Cat's not high maintenance; that is one of the things I like about her. She always looks good in whatever she wears. At twenty-four, she can pass for seventeen without makeup. I would love to see her face first thing in the morning as she's waking up after I've made love to her; lips full and swollen from my kisses and the taste of her on my lips, mmm… I've got to stop this line of thinking or I'll never be able to get up from this booth. I might never get the chance to know if she finds out about this fucked up situation with her sister. First thing tomorrow, research paternity test options.
    "Nick, did you hear me, man?"
    "What?" I didn't hear what the hell Shawn said to me. Shawn and Matt were debating about which girl in high school had the hottest body and who got the most girls.
    "Get the fuck outta here, man; that shit didn't happen." Shawn raises his voice over the music.
    Matt raises his hand and tips his beer bottle to his mouth. "Nick, tell this guy he didn't get to Megan Jordan first, you were there when we hooked up in the bathroom at that party. She was all over me, dude."
    "Chris, you know I hit that, you're my witness!" Shawn says.
    "No one's saying you didn't. I'm just telling you I got there first," Matt says, putting the bottle down.
    Neither one of them got there first. They don't know I had sex with her months before they even had a chance to

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