
Imperfections by Shaniel Watson Page A

Book: Imperfections by Shaniel Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shaniel Watson
touch her. We had a thing going where we would hook up in random places; it lasted for a month until she started getting too clingy. She wanted to tell me which girls I couldn't hang out with and Cat was one of them. I wasn't having that shit. That's why she gave it up to these two; she was trying to make me jealous after I dropped her ass. I have no doubt she would have eventually made her way around to them. Me dumping her speeded up the process. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a desperate woman.
    Chris laughs and finishes off his drink before answering. "Man, I didn't smash her so I don't care which one of you got there first. You're talking about old ass from high school who probably looks like the crypt keeper now. Look at all these fine-ass women in here. You guys can keep talking about Megan but I'm going to get me another drink and that fine-as-hell girl dancing over there."
    I watch him make his way through the crowd. He's right, the girl on the floor looks attractive, at least from the back everything is right. He better enjoy himself before my cousin gets here.
    Shawn asks if we want another drink from the bar since he's headed in that direction. We shake our heads. "Nah, I'm good for now."
    "Gentlemen, I see a damsel in distress that needs my immediate attention." Shawn takes a shot of his Patrone and grunts. "As an officer of the law I'm fully qualified to handle that."
    I watch him walk off leaving me and Matt at the table.
    "You the man these days, I hear your legal expertise is in high demand," Matt says over the music with the empty beer bottle in his hand.
    "I'm not doing bad."
    "Understatement, own your success, I'm happy for you. When we were young we did some crazy shit. I never thought you would follow in your father's footsteps and become a lawyer."
    "Well I never really thought about it, it wasn't my intentions to become a lawyer. I took a law class freshman year and I liked it. The only reason I was so good at it was because I was a paid intern every summer and one weekend a month at my father's law firm."
    "Yeah, I remember that, you hated it. Every chance we got we rubbed it in your face; while we were hanging by the pool twelve in the afternoon every day, you were slaving away in an office running errands and shuffling paper."
    "Yeah, I remember that, but look at me now."
    "I'm going to admit it, you the man. So do you get extra perks from your female celebrity clientele? You can tell me."
    "Nah, it's not like that, strictly business. I don't date my clients; too complicated."
    "Nick, you haven't changed since high school. I think that's the reason you got so many girls." Holding the bottle still in his hands he grins pointing to me across the table. "You never talked about the girls you hooked up with but we knew you did."
    "Not my style. I leave it up to the discretion of the woman. What about you, what have you been up to?" I don't hear a word he says as from across the room I see Ava. Then I get a good look at Cat when she steps up beside her in an emerald green backless halter dress barely covering her breasts and her ass. What the fuck is she wearing! I can't believe she came out on the street dressed like that.
    "Hold on, I'll be right back." I don't wait for him to say anything, I bolt up from the chair and cross the room to her before some dumb ass tries to talk to her.
    She barely has any freaking clothes on. I'd be surprised as hell if she doesn't catch a severe case of walking pneumonia in her ass. "Where the hell are the rest of your clothes? Did you forget them at home?" I swear if she leans over tonight in this thing her breasts are going to drop out and stand at attention, I'm going to be pissed the fuck off.
    "Well hello to you too. You look nice. Do you want a drink, rum and coke, a beer?
    That's what you should have said."
    She's smiling up at me sweetly while she's talking but I know she's upset. I don't care. She obviously doesn't know the power of her body and the

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