I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1)

I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1) by W B Garalt

Book: I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1) by W B Garalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: W B Garalt
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trained in defensive driving maneuvers.  He then pulled over and stopped in order to re-shuffle his agenda for the day.
    A call to the main State Police headquarters provided information on the Jaguar ownership.  As it turned out, the auto was registered to a well-to-do woman with a primary residence located in Greenville CT, an upscale town located at the Southwestern Connecticut/New York state line. The Jaguar owner’s attorney had filed a missing person report for her husband the previous day.
    The Greenville police department was an elite force which was adept at protecting a wealthy and politically influential segment of the Connecticut citizenry there.  They cooperated with the State Police, although at arm’s length, usually in a respectable, fair and equitable manner.
    Meanwhile, back in East Wayford, once the morning briefing was completed Detective Salvadore went to Chief Devaro’s office. “Come in Joe, shut the door and have a seat.” offered the chief.  Thinking that he was going to get some confidential information about the killing in Sheffield, Salvadore was ‘all ears’.  The chief, however, had other news. “Sal”, he started, “I’ve got you enrolled in a three week course in Pittsburg, PA.”
    Across his desk he handed Salvadore a portfolio titled “Capital Crime and Public Relations.” Salvadore was stunned.
    “When does it start? He asked.
    “Next Monday”, said the chief, “Take the rest of the week off and get yourself prepared for it. It’s paid for and you’ll be on a per-diem, so you’ll do Okay.”
    “Isn’t this a bad time to pull away from the investigation and all?” inquired an uncharacteristically concerned Salvadore.
    “No problem, we’re covered for a while with the state inspector in house. We’ll bring you up to speed when you get back.”  The chief rose from behind his desk. “Have fun, Sal.” He said.
    A chagrined Detective Salvadore turned and left the office with a distracted, bewildered appearance.  Thank God for small favors!   Chief Devaro thought. 
    Before noon, special deliveries of “Recommendations” came down from the Connecticut Governor’s Office, simultaneously, to Eugene VanDyke, Mayor of East Wayford and Everet Franklin, First Selectman of Sheffield. It suggested that they consider a joint press release along with the area State Police Homicide Inspector.  The Press release was to address the recent mysterious deaths in the south central Connecticut region.
    “Perhaps a video press conference would be the best approach” was the advice offered by the author of the mailing, the Governor’s Press Secretary.
    A phone call for Chief Devaro came at 12:10 PM., just as the chief was leaving for lunch.  Mayor VanDyke asked him to meet for a confidential lunch, if possible.
    “Sure Gene, why don’t we meet at the tennis clubhouse, your treat!” responded Lou Devaro in a jesting tone.  The mayor agreed and deferred any details until they met.  Ten minutes later, the two community leaders were seated at the meeting table in one of the small conference rooms at the club.
    The Mayor showed the chief the recommendation from the Governor’s Office.
    “You know, Lou, I don’t do a lot of phublic spheaking” [public speaking], he said with his defective diction, “I’m fine with chairing the Town Council and phrivate [private] meetings, but a TV ‘turkey-shoot’ is something] else.  I was wondering if you would do the phress compherance [press conference] with Doc Phranklin [Franklin]”.  Without hesitation Chief Devaro accepted.
    The Mayor had helped him out several times during his tenure as chief and he knew Gene VanDyke to be not only an honorable man, but a practical one as well.  Because of this, he had been re-elected to seven consecutive terms as Mayor of East Wayford.  Jokingly, and in private, he would often claim that his political success was due to the fact that he made very few speeches.   As a lawyer, however,

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