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fool. He had allowed himself to slip into her dream and it had almost cost her life. The enchanted wolf had already been at the window before he’d taken notice. All he could do was howl in warning. It almost hadn’t been enough.
    He could never fulfill that fantasy anyhow. Even though he had more control of the beast now than he did in the beginning, he knew what it could do when he was lost in climax and what could happen to the woman he was with. He couldn’t take that chance with Sara.
    Keeping things platonic with Sara wasn’t going to be easy, not when she exuded feminine sensuality without even knowing it. He tried not to think about her wide, blue eyes that reminded him of the Highland sky, nor the full lips as pink as the first sprigs of heather. Lucas sighed and began reciting the Templar Rules that he had so long ago pledged to, even though the modern world no longer strictly required their adherence.
    Rule: Chastity is certitude of heart and healthiness of body …
    But it was Sara’s body, nude and supple beneath him, that kept intruding.

    * * * *
Baylor snarled his own annoyance as he watched the wolf he’d ensorcelled slink away. He’d recognized the big, light-haired lobo for he had watched him tear apart two of his best men after De Molay’s burning. Damn the immortal Templar. Baylor’s fingers itched to tighten around Ramsey’s throat, but he doubted that it would do any good.
    Until he knew the source of the man’s immortality, he was indestructible. And even if Baylor could kill him, he’d destroy himself too. Ending immortality for one ended it for him as well. Some stupid Universe Rule.
    He could go into the cabin and finish the job himself, of course, but that would leave questions to be answered. He didn’t like leaving trails. Finding a girl half-ripped SEARCH FOR THE SPEAR Cynthia Breeding 48
    to shreds by a wild animal in a desolate area could be an open-and-shut case, neatly filed away in some rural police office. No one would ever have known she had the papers.
    But any means of human murder would be under investigation and that would eventually lead to her employer and the discovery that she had a copy of the manuscript. Better he leave Caldwell in place.
    And they could always use the Morgan woman. Caldwell had learned that she
    had the hots for some man named Michael who was one of the bitch’s friends.
    Information he could use later, but for now, perhaps it was time to throw the gauntlet down. Caldwell had bragged countless times of his prowess in bed and his ability to make women talk. Perhaps it was time for him to prove it.
    The bitch had a copy of the manuscript. A few special drugs and a good rutting until she passed out would do the trick. Maybe he’d have Caldwell take a video after she was out. Baylor liked watching powerless women being taken. He’d tell Caldwell to make sure it was hard and rough.
    He felt himself harden in anticipation. He’d put Caldwell on it tomorrow.

    SEARCH FOR THE SPEAR Cynthia Breeding 49

Chapter Five: Foul Deeds
    “A wolf attacked you? How terribly bizarre!” Mr. Smith exclaimed as she
    explained to him, Alan and Lucas what had happened the next morning. “And, of course, how horrible frightening,” he added as Lucas frowned at him from across the room.
    “But you handled yourself very well,” Alan said with a smile as he stepped closer to where Sara was sitting and laid a hand on her shoulder. “I admire brave women.”
    “At the moment, I was thinking more of survival,” she answered and tried not to fidget as Alan patted her arm.
    “It might be wise not to put yourself into the path of danger,” Lucas said with a scowl. “What possessed you to go to such an isolated place by yourself?”
    What possessed him? He had been cool and detached ever since she’d gotten to
    the mansion and now he was insinuating that she had been foolish? She wasn’t a child!
    She stood up and walked over to him.
    “It’s my parents’ place. I

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