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    The wolf’s amber eyes blinked once and then his tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted slightly before he turned and trotted away.
    To Sara, it looked like the lobo was grinning. She shook her head as she went inside and secured the door. Grinning wolves. She needed sleep. But not before she knew every window was closed.

    * * * *
The lobo loped along the road, trying to pick up Balor’s scent. It lingered in the air and he followed it to where the rubber of car tires overcame it. The man was gone.
    At least for now.
    Lucas felt the Shift begin, his muscles beginning to compact and become tighter, even as his torso lifted and his back legs reshaped into human thighs. The bones of his skull widened and the lupine nose shortened. He reached his bundle of clothes just as the transformation was complete.
    Lucas pulled the polo shirt over his head and tucked it inside his jeans. His adrenaline was still pumping from the fight with the other wolf but he knew the crash would soon come. It always did and it left him vulnerable.
    Silently, he made his way down the gravel road to where he had left his car
    parked. Smith had called Sara while Caldwell and he were in the study. When Caldwell started asking questions about where her cabin was, he’d become suspicious, even though the guy acted as if he were interested in doing some deer hunting on maybe a private lease. And Lucas hadn’t much liked the idea of her being so isolated either, not that he’d tell her. All that would get him would be an irritated glare and a lecture on how women could take care of themselves.
    He reached the car and slid into the driver’s seat, checking under it to make sure his sgian dubh was still there. He had planned to take the short, but lethal, Scottish knife with him to the cabin since he was fully expecting to find Caldwell there, compromising Sara. But what had happened tonight hinted of something much darker.
    The wolf had been bewitched Lucas could smell the taint of evil even as he
    approached Sara’s dwelling. For a fleeting second, he had considered that Caldwell might have been a shape-shifter, but the animal only gave off its own scent and the stench that Lucas recognized as Balor’s doing.
    And if the animal had been be-spelled, Lucas would not kill it. It had been easy SEARCH FOR THE SPEAR Cynthia Breeding 47
    enough to instill in its mind that he was the alpha-male of the pack and the wolf had limped away. It would wake in the morning with no permanent harm done.
    But Balor was another matter. If his grandfather were this close, it meant he knew about the manuscript. He thought back to the auction and the careening car and the pickpocket. He hadn’t seen Caldwell there and Balor would have kept himself hidden, but all of Lucas’ senses told him that his grandfather was definitely involved. And the one thing that Lucas must prevent is letting Balor gain more power. Civilization stood to lose if he did.
    Lucas slumped against the steering wheel, trying to fight the lethargy that always swept over him after the beast was loosed. It was the one time in his immortal life that he was weak and vulnerable. He brought the knife out and laid it on his lap. It would have only temporary impact on Balor, of course, but it would put a definitive slash in Caldwell if he were behind this.
    So she thought I was beautiful? Lucas smiled groggily, remembering how
    vulnerable she had looked standing there alone in the middle of the yard. And yet she had held her ground with him and not panicked. He admired that courage.
    And I liked her dream. He felt the hard nipple beneath the soft cloth as he pressed his lips over it. In another dream minute, he would guide her hand to touch him while his own fingers hiked up her skirt and stroked her thighs, and then dipped into her hot well to slide the slick wetness between her folds and caress the nub that would send her into ecstasy …
    He gave himself a shake and struggled to sit up. He was a

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