If Someone Says "You Complete Me," RUN!
more from you than that and your friendship, I say go to him. As long as you both have the same expectations and articulate them so you understand one another.
    Which brings me to this: If you’re with a man or woman who has It or you’re a person who has It, and you know you have It, and you meet somebody and you say, “Hi, I’m going to partner up with you,” you need to let him know this is who you are. You need to let him know that this your way, meaning you are a sexy beast and people are going to be drawn to you.
    It sort of goes back to being with a player. While people who have It may not necessarily be players, it does mean that other people are constantly going to be attracted to them, to want them. If you are with this person, you may find that threatening or even annoying. If you meet somebody who has It, really pay attention and see how people respond to him.
    I know a couple, and the man has It. There’s no question. She, after meeting him and realizing that she kind of dug him, started to just watch interactions he had with other people and how other people responded. Based on that, she made her decision about whether she could be with him as a partner.
    When you’re with someone who has It, the people around you will say they didn’t notice, even if they did. Meaning, your girlfriends, acquaintances, the waitress, and anyone else in the vicinity has, or is going to, hit on your man. People will put it out there. So you have to develop some skills and be sharp and on top of your game.
    That’s why I say to pay attention to the way other people talk to you, and to consider what their agenda may be in telling you something. More often than not, they are telling you something because of their own issues. They are either trying to get to you. Or trying to get rid of you. Or they are boning your guy. Or trying really hard to. So recognize when someone is messing with you and be prepared to deal with it.
    It is not an easy kind of relationship, being with someone with It, so you have to make a decision if you can live with someone who has It or not. Then you and the It person have to sit down and work out some parameters on behavior, out of respect for you. I know this only because I have been there and done that. But I’m not going to tell you which side I was on…
    Not too long ago, I was at a function and saw a woman who looked sixty years old. She was a gorgeous lady, and somebody said, “You know she’s eighty?” I said, “Who?” And this beautiful woman turned around and said, “Me.”I was like, “Oh, no.” I couldn’t believe this woman was eighty. I watched her in action, and it was impressive. There was no question this woman had It.
    That’s right. It has no expiration date. People who have It usually keep it for their entire lives. It’s not about physical beauty or even just general sexiness. It’s just an energy that attracts other people. When someone has It, it defies old age.
    They’re pretty lucky. For other people, shit is changing every day. They’re afraid that they are going to get old and nobody is going to want them, so they look and behave younger than they ever have. They go to the gym, they stay active, they dye their hair, they get a little Botox.
    Age can be a big thing with women. It drives fear, and that is utter bullshit. Women are afraid that once they get older, men will no longer find them attractive. That there’s some sort of expiration date on them. This goes beyond the so-called biological clock. The truth of the matter is you never know who is going to find you attractive. You never know where chemistry is going to happen.
    Women are as attractive as they want to be. Take this face, my face—it is not the face that launched a thousand ships; a thousand laughs, maybe, but not a thousand ships. I was never raised to think that it was about my face. It was always about my head, my brain. My mother was very clear with me about that from a young age—I

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