If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series)

If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series) by Aubrey Bailey Page A

Book: If I Never Knew You (If I Never Knew You Series) by Aubrey Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Bailey
Tags: Romance
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accompanying lyrics-it all seemed to fit.
    About four days after I had been given the song, I already had it memorized and found myself humming it on a regular basis at work and while cooking. However, although I should have, I didn't really allow myself to think of what Madison was going through right now. I knew if I did, then I would take out my anger on just about anything, but mainly on Damian. Who knew what that jerk would do next? Unfortunately, he had a tough group of friends that no one wanted to mess with, including me. Otherwise, I would have gone over and kicked his teeth through the back of his head weeks ago. I had to do something soon, though.
    One night I was at Andy's when he seemed to be the most anxious and frantic he'd been since Madison left.
    "You alright?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
    "We have to get Madison," Andy burst out. "We can't leave her there. Something really bad might happen and then it will be too late to save her from that creep."
    "What's going on?" I asked. I knew Andy knew something important about Madison, but he wasn't telling me. "Andy you've got to tell me. She means a lot to me, just like she does to you."
    "I..." Andy said.
    "If you don't tell me, then I can't help her," I stated.
    "Madison's pregnant!" Andy said. I froze and stared at him. "And she thinks it's yours, because the doctor said she was two months along, and two months ago she was with you."
    I felt completely numb as I stared at Andy. He looked as if he had run a mile-he was perspiring and his face looked exhausted. Then he finally said what I knew he wanted to say all along, but was too fearful to admit to me.
    "Damian's been beating her."
    I got up and instantly went to get my shoes on. There was no way in hell I was letting that motherfucker hurt either of them!
    "Where does he live?" I asked.
    "I'll come with you," Andy said.
    "Alright, fine, but you stay back, no matter what happens," I said.
    There wasn't time to argue about it and Andy, to his credit, didn't try. He simply got his shoes on, and we quickly went out the door. He
    gave me directions as I sped through the streets of Knightsbridge. As soon as we drove around the corner on Damian's street, we saw the flashing lights from multiple cop cars. Andy went pale.
    "Aw, shit! Don't tell me it's what I think it is," I uttered.
    We pulled over behind one of the cop cars and sprang out, running towards all the commotion. Andy made a sound that I wasn't sure was a whimper or groan, but it made me know that this indeed was the right place. We stood at the police barrier blocking the driveway, not sure what to do next.
    "Oh God, please help her." Andy whispered. I looked at Andy, and put my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off, and hurried over to a cop nearby.
    "Andy!" I said, following after him.
    "What happened?" Andy asked, looking at the cop.
    "Not now, boy," the cop said.
    "Excuse me, sir, but that's my sister in there. Would you tell us what is going on?" Andy asked in exasperation.
    The cop ran his eyes over Andy like he was trying to decide if he was telling the truth.
    "What is your sister's name?" he asked.
    "Madison Summers. She's eighteen, a couple months pregnant and her boyfriend's been beating her," Andy blurted out.
    The cop held up a finger to us and turned around to mumble something in his radio. Andy fidgeted and tried to listen in on the radio chatter.
    "The ambulance left several minutes ago. Your sister has sustained several severe wounds and was unconscious when we found her. Her boyfriend has been taken into custody," the cop reported.
    "Oh God," Andy said.
    "They'll be waiting for you at the hospital-Knightsbridge Presbyterian," the cop said.
    Andy ran back to the car and pulled out his cell phone to call his mother, who said she would meet him at the hospital. Barbara was usually very cool-headed and calm in serious situations, but I could tell there was panic in her voice while Andy talked to her.
    We didn't talk the

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