
IceSurrender by Marisa Chenery Page A

Book: IceSurrender by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
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didn’t hear the slight strain in his voice that he did. “And if that’s
everything, I want to be left alone.”
    She appeared to study him closely. “You’re getting stressed
out because you can’t bring on your full shaman powers, aren’t you?”
    “You could say that.”
    “You know what’s a good stress reliever? Sex. And lots of
it. I can help you out with that.”
    Ryder’s cock gave another jerk. Yup, she was going to kill
him. He wanted nothing more than to take her up on her offer, but he couldn’t.
Out of all the visions his ancestor had shown him about gaining his full
powers, one thing was very clear. Ryder had to remain celibate until that
happened. Why? He didn’t have a clue, and his ancestor was not forthcoming with
that information. He just knew if he went against that dictate he’d never gain
them. Too much hinged on what he would become to take the risk. It could mean
getting laid or losing an advantage over the dark wolves.
    He shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.”
And damn, didn’t that hurt to say it? If not for the whole celibacy thing,
Ryder would have Wren stripped naked and already have his cock buried deep
inside her.
    As usual, his rejection didn’t seem to faze Wren at all.
“There’s always another time. I can be very patient when I need to be. I’m not
going to give up on you.”
    “I wish you would.”
    “No, you don’t. You need me, want me. You haven’t admitted
that to yourself yet. That day will come though. Then we’ll make up for lost
time. I can’t wait.”
    “And what if it takes years to happen? Will you remain so
    Wren reached across and tucked some of his shoulder-length
hair behind one of his ears. Something she liked to do on a regular basis, and
something Ryder, for some reason, always allowed.
    “It won’t be that long,” Wren said as she stared into his
eyes, her green ones seeming to look right into his soul. She leaned even
closer, their faces a mere inch apart. “I have the feeling I’ll get what I want
very soon.”
    Ryder’s cock grew harder. It would be so easy to close the
little space between them and take Wren’s lips in a heated kiss. He’d ached to
taste them, to feel them under his. At twenty-five, he thought about having sex
all the time, as a male did at his age. It was so damn unfair he couldn’t do
anything about it. And after he came into his full powers, he wasn’t sure what
he’d become.
    That thought had Ryder jerking away from Wren. It was something
he tried not to think about, and deep down inside he had a feeling his
unwillingness to accept the changes that would happen was what held him back
from being able to become what he was born to be.
    The sliding glass doors opened behind Ryder once again. He
looked over his shoulder, thankful for the interruption. Edensaw, Wachei,
Ketah, Kajakti and Capac filed out onto the deck with their mates following
behind them. Cassidy, Edensaw’s mate, held their three-month-old son Wyatt in
her arms. He was bundled up in a warm jacket and wrapped in a knitted blanket
against the cool afternoon breeze.
    Most of the group headed down to the lawn, then shifted to
their dire wolf forms. Like every afternoon around this time, the wolf brothers
and their mates held a practice session to train the women to fight in their
other forms. With the dark wolves still a threat, all of them needed to be able
to defend themselves if a situation ever arose that had them fighting one of
the enemy.
    Wren sighed, then rose to her feet. She fell into step with
Jaren, Eryn, Riya and Haven. Ryder watched her shift to her dire wolf and
timber wolf mixed form once she reached the grass. Even though she wasn’t mated
to a wolf brother, she’d asked to be bitten by one, to be turned into the same
kind of werewolf as the sentinels. She also happened to be the strongest female
of the pack.
    Cassidy came to stand beside Ryder’s chair. “You don’t mind
watching Wyatt,

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