I Won't Give Up

I Won't Give Up by Sophie Monroe

Book: I Won't Give Up by Sophie Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Monroe
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really rough for you to watch how things went on between your dad and I but all men aren’t like that. I know I probably should have been stronger and set a better example but he was the only man I’d ever been with in my whole life we were together just short of twenty-five years and then it was like POOF! Everything changed and I just wasn’t ready for it. You should try to talk to him or maybe y ou just need to get back out there with someone else . You should go to the lake house this weekend; take a break from Prescott . I think you need to clear your head . ” It actually sounded like a good idea.
    “Maybe I will. Thanks Mom.” She turned and left closing the door behind her. I knew this is what I thought I wanted but then why does it hurt so much. I was supposed to be stronger than this. I pulled my pillow to my chest and sobbed until I ran out of tears and fell asleep .
    I heard my phone beep; I grabbed it off the end table. It was from Cooper.
    Hey, you okay? I didn’t see you in school today.
    I texted him back.
    I’m fine.
    I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know how much he hurt me by dating Riley. The rest of the week was mildly better but painful nonetheless . I stayed occupied by preppin g myself for my mini getaway. It was hard , really hard, to watch Cooper and Riley holding hands through the hallway and kissing at the door before class. It reminded me of our kissing, our one perfect night. He would wave and give me the occasional smile and each time it would break my heart a little more. He even tried small talking a few times but I would just smile and interject a bit . I was in love with him, whether I wanted to be or not . I knew he loved me yet still felt this overwhelming need to keep my heart safe . I didn’t want to need anyone, my mom needed my dad and look how that ended for her .
    Finally it was Friday and I was leaving straight from here to go to the lake house. The day passed rather quickly and I was able to avoid Cooper all day, which made it even better. The final bell rang and I headed out to my car when I saw Cooper running up to me.
    “Hey C rash.” He said smiling shyly.
    “Cooper.” I said a little harsher than necessary.
    “How’ve you been?” Like you care!
    “Fine.” I bit the inside of my cheek. Please don’t cry.
“Can you speak in something other than monosyllables?” He joked.
    “Nope.” I opened my trunk and threw my backpack in.
“Where ya going?” He asked looking at my luggage. He followed me around to the drivers side.
“Away.” I snapped.
“Yeah, where?”
“My family’s lake house.”
    “Well have a good weekend.” He looked lost, like he wanted to say more.
    “Y ep.” I said opening my door. I went to close the door before he stopped it with this hand.
    “Fiona.” He sounded sad, desperate. I wanted to wrap myself in him… Stop!
    “What Cooper. What do you want from me?” I practically yelled.
    “I didn’t want it to be like this. Just thought you should k now that. Riley’ s not you. I still want it to be you. ” He said in just about a whisper, I wondered if he was talking to himself.
    “Thanks. That makes me feel so much better Cooper. Can I go now?” I snapped.
    “Be careful. Okay?” I could see the hurt all over his face. I just hoped I was better at concealing mine.
    “Sure.” He shut my door and I sped away towards the lake house trying my best not to cry. I turned up the radio and drowned out the world. The just under two-hour drive seemed to pass quickly . When I was right outside of town I stopped and got gas and went into the general store. As I was walking up t here was a group of guys around my age standing in the parking lot around a black Chevy Tahoe .
    “Hey ! Can I take your picture? ” The one yelled.
    “Excuse me?” I said sarcastically.
“Can I take your picture so I can tell Santa what I want for Christmas.”
    “Seriously? Is that the best you can do?” I rolled my

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