I Won't Give Up

I Won't Give Up by Sophie Monroe Page A

Book: I Won't Give Up by Sophie Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Monroe
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eyes feigning annoyance .
    “If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put U and I together.” I couldn’t help but laugh that was the most ridiculous pick up line I’d ever heard . The re were three of them and the y were all very cute . W hat the hell , I vowed to let myself have some fun .
    “ Sorry about him. I’m Garrett, that’s Jackson a nd the ass is Eli. ” He said offering his hand. I offered mine in return and he brought it to his mouth and kissed it, a sweet gesture I thought to myself.
    “Nice to meet you. I’m Fiona.”
    “Nice car. Yours?” He said looking impressed.
    “Yes.” I said embarrassed.
    “You from around here?”
    “No. But my family has a house here.”
    “Cool, we’re here c amping for the weekend. Maybe we can grab dinner or something?” Garrett said.
    “I’d like that . H ow about say eight at Bubba’s Bar-B-Q ? ”
    “We’ll see.” All I really wanted to do was lounge in my pajamas and eat a pint of Ben & Jerry while watching chick flicks.
“It’s a date.” Garrett said.
    “No it’s not.” I said feeling both happy and annoyed .
    “We’ll see.” He winked.
I walked away. What is it with persistent men in my life? I grabbed my few necessities such as soda, chocolate, ice cream and a few microwave dinners for my weekend and headed to the lake house. By the time I got there it was almost six. I walked in an almost instantly felt lighter , my mom was right . The lake house belonged to my grandparents and we inherited it when they passed. It was beautiful , nothing overly extravagan t tons of windows and white wainscoting that made it seem airy and comfortable . I put my groceries away and walked to the main bedroom to unpack. I decided on a nice long bath so I could think. Should I go tonight? Part of me didn’t want to , but a bigger part of me just wanted to be someone else other than Fiona Prescott just for a little while. I had a text from Cooper on my phone.
    I wish things were different     He was the one that chose someone over me maybe I should do the same. I climbed into the antique claw foot tub. I thought of Garrett he was cute, tall, blonde with a light muscular build , he had a really nice smile and seemed nice enough. I wondered if his friends would come along since they were all here t ogether. What the hell, what do I have to lose right. I got out of the tub and sat at my grandmother’s vanity. I brushed the knots out my hair adding just a little bit of mousse so that it could air dry. I carefully applied my make-up going for a natural-chic look. I grabbed my navy blue tulle skirt and light gray halter and by the time I got dressed it was already 7:30. I threw on a pair of silver wedges and a sweater grabbing my keys and headed to go meet Garrett . I was hoping I made the right choice.
    I pulled in right next to his black Tahoe and headed inside. He was standing off to the side waiting for me . He was in a pair of overly washed denim jeans, a grey t-shirt with a n undone navy and white checked button up and a pair of work boots . His b londe hair was neatly styled, he flashed me a smile . I was happy with my decision it was better than the alternative .
    “Fiona. I’m glad you decided to come. I was thinking you were going to stand me up.” He said as he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”
“So do you. I mean you like nice too. We kinda match.” I laughed noticing that we were both in grey and navy.
    “So we do. Shall we?” He gestured us up to the hostess to get a table. “I got us a table outside. I hope you don’t mind.” I was glad I grabbed my sweater.
    “Outsides perfect.” Despite the name Bubba’s wasn’t a dive , it served more of a gourmet BBQ menu and was right on the other side of lake on the water. He held out his arm as the hostess showed us to our table.
    “Are your friends mad that you ditched them?” I asked.
    “No , a little jealous maybe but they’re out doing their own

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