I Shouldn't Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know

I Shouldn't Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know by Kate White

Book: I Shouldn't Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know by Kate White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate White
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your own.”
    From there you can even begin to develop a fab signature look that you’re known and remembered for in a great way. I love how Morning Joe cohost Mika Brzezinski has made a signature look of gorgeous, sleeveless shifts that show off her amazing guns!
    6. Do not wear a puffer coat to work in winter. Okay, if it’s really, really cold, that’s one thing. But if you want to look professional, you need a classic coat in black or camel. For warmer weather or climates, Lawrence swears by a khaki trench.
    7. Get a serious haircut. You should have a cut that says you mean business, that you do more in the morning than roll out of bed and toss your strands out of your eyes. Through word of mouth, find a good salon (many salons offer free cuts by young, upcoming stylists), and if it doesn’t give you a cut that’s super, go someplace else the next time. In many workplaces—particularly anyplace that’s creative—you can get away with wearing your hair long if you want. Just make sure it’s trimmed of split ends, conditioned, and never straggly-looking. If you work in a conservative environment, you probably shouldn’t wear it longer than just below your shoulders. It screams coed or boho.
    8. Have your eyebrows professionally shaped. After looking at tons of pictures of models and celebrities over the years, I realize how important good brows are to making your face look gorgeous and your appearance pulled together. (If you don’t believe me, go online and compare pictures of Angelina Jolie now to when she was married to Billy Bob. People thought the vial of blood around her neck was all wrong, but that’s nothing compared to the eyebrows she had then.) Women who do their own brows often shape them incorrectly without even realizing it. (Hint: Do yours bear any resemblance to commas, hockey sticks, or sperm? They shouldn’t. ) So find a salon—via word of mouth is the best way—that will do a good job (the one I love in New York City is Sania’s Brow Bar; Sania is masterful!). It’s worth the price to have them done professionally. Warning: Don’t let someone make your brows too thin, because overplucked eyebrows often don’t grow back. If someone scalps you, find another salon. And once you have the perfect brows, pencil them every day with a Shobha eye pencil (www.myshobha.com). It’s a fantastic tool.
    9. Develop a signature look with your makeup, too. That doesn’t mean you can’t experiment and have fun, especially at night, but calling a look your own really adds clout. I always found Kim Kardashian striking in her photos, but when I had lunch with her in Manhattan I realized how jaw-dropping attractive she is in person. Okay, she’s got great hair, great eyes, great bone structure, but it’s also about her makeup. I especially love what she does with her mouth: nude or pink lipstick with lots of gloss on top. It’s not right for everyone, but on her it’s totally arresting and you never forget it. Whatever you choose as your trademark doesn’t have to be complicated. One of my favorite editors in chief wears just one item of makeup as far as I can tell: red lipstick. But it looks awesome and is very much her look. As for fragrance, I’d worry less about finding your signature scent and focus on being very, very subtle. A lot of people hate being subjected to fragrance in the workplace. And it can really put a damper on a job interview or meeting.
    10. Don’t hesitate to dazzle. In some jobs you still have to dress conservatively. But to me there is nothing more mind-numbingly boring than a matching jacket and skirt, particularly if it’s navy blue, and I think there’s plenty of wiggle room in most fields today. If you look fantastic and fashion forward, you’ll feel more confident and people will notice and remember you.

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    T here is an interesting phenomenon that sometimes happens when you’re finding your way in a career and

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