I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5)

I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5) by Lexy Timms

Book: I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5) by Lexy Timms Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexy Timms
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about yourself to demean me?" She wrapped her arms around herself, not at all concerned with what Stephen thought of her or her future. She still had the warmth of Alex racing through her system, the wetness of their passion between her thighs. Nothing was going to change the way he felt about her; or her, him.
    Stephen was grasping at straws.
    "You ruined my life." He pointed a shaky finger at her. Jamie had never seen him so upset, so volatile. It was a little concerning, but with Alex ten feet away behind his closed door, what could the asshole do? Nothing. "Not only am I facing a lawsuit over being a truth-teller, but your asshole boss bought out my father's company yesterday. What was the point of that? Hmm? To show me just how little I am? I sent you here to be a secretary, to help an old friend out, and what did your fat ass do? You got him to fall in love with you, or so you thought. You're an idiot if you believe it. No one could love you."
    "Hey! That's enough." Kristen picked up the phone. "I'm calling security."
    Jamie took a few steps back and opened Alex's door before turning back to Stephen. "Sorry you feel that way. It’s past time for you to leave."
    "Fuck you. Fuck all of you." He reached behind him and pulled a pistol from the back of his pants, pointing it at Kristen. "Put the phone down. No one’s calling security unless you want to burden your friends here with cleaning your pretty face up from the floor later."
    Kristen slowly put the phone down as Jamie moved toward Stephen.
    "Stephen, calm down. This is out of control. You don't want to hurt anyone, Stephen. That's not you."
    "You don't know anything about me. You've ruined everything. I hate your fucking sister. She's a whiney bitch, and by far the worst lay I've ever had. You didn't teach her anything, Jamie? How greedy of you." He waved the gun at her, and she was sick over the fact that she'd opened Alex's door. A silent prayer ran through her that he wouldn't come to see that the noise was about.
    No such luck.
    "What the hell?" Alex walked out and stopped short. "Stephen? What the hell are you doing, man?"
    "I'm taking back my life." He pointed the gun at Jamie and waved it. "This bitch ruined everything. It's all her fault."
    "What's her fault, Stephen?" Alex moved up beside Jamie and pushed her back a little.
    "No. Stop moving her. I'm not leaving here until everything is made right. If you can't make things right, then I'll just take my payment with her life. Easy enough."
    "And spend the rest of your life in jail?" Alex chuckled, surprising Jamie. "What kind of life is that, man?"
    "Fuck you, Alex! You sent your lawyers to take what little I have, and when they weren't effective you reached down deep and took my family's business. Why? Isn’t it enough that you got the girl?" He took a few steps closer, and something changed in his expression that sent a tendril of fear through Jamie.
    "You leave her alone!" Alex shifted slightly, but Jamie moved back up beside him.
    "Stephen." Her voice was soft. "Please put the gun away. Why don’t you come to my office? We can talk all this through and figure something out. Please."
    “Talk?” He looked at her like she was the crazy one.
    “Sure. Just you, me, and Alex.”
    “You want to have a civilized conversation?” He stared at her, the gun aimed at her as he struggled to control his anger.
    “Let’s talk.”
    "No! I'm not in the mood to talk.” He swung his arm and aimed the gun at Alex. “I gave her to you! And this is the thanks I get?” His face burned red at he glared at Alex. “I hate both of you. All of you." He turned swung the gun back toward Jamie and pulled the trigger as he screamed, “I hope you die, bitch!”
    Suddenly it felt as if the world was in slow motion. Jamie saw Stephen’s loss of control of the situation, the realization that he hated her more than anything. It was almost as if she knew he was going to shoot her, and it came as no surprise when the loud bang

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