Hush - Fighting Fate #2

Hush - Fighting Fate #2 by Maree Green

Book: Hush - Fighting Fate #2 by Maree Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maree Green
together, but I thought it’d be nice to actually have the opportunity to find out. It just wasn’t fair.
    “Still holding up?”
    I turned at the sound of Aiden’s voice. He was standing behind me, his gaze intense and worried. I drew in a deep breath, gauging my emotional state. It was borderline. He must’ve seen something in my eyes though, because he sighed and opened his arms.
    “Come here,” he said softly.
    It was funny, because Aiden and I had never had that kind of a relationship before. Yes, I’d been his twin sister’s best friend for the last seven years, but seeing as I barely stayed over, we never really got to know each other that well. It wasn’t until Mia’s accident that we formed a bond. Since then, I think he felt like I was a kindred spirit or something. Someone worthwhile of protecting. It was nice.
    I went into his arms gladly, resting my cheek against his broad chest. His hand ran over my back in slow, gentle circles. “Everything’ll work out, okay?” he said softly.
    I nodded against his chest. “Yeah, I know.”
    When he pulled away, I sighed. “I should get home…”
    Aiden frowned slightly. “You should stay. Relax. Have fun.”
    I quirked my eyebrow and returned his gaze. Aiden was a damn good looking guy. Of course I’d noticed before. It was an observation that was hard to miss. He and Mia shared the same black, wavy hair, tanned skin, and baby blue eyes. But where Mia was crafted with feminine delicacy and beauty, Aiden was tall, broad, and everything masculine. Or, put more simply, damn hot.
    Fortunately for me, there was no attraction between us. After Mia’s accident, he was just like I’d imagine a brother would be. A good brother. Not like the stupid step-idiot I had.
    “I’d like to, but I really need to go.”
    He didn’t like it. He didn’t even try to hide the scowl that told me so, but he didn’t say anything. “Alright. Let’s get someone to take you back to your car then.”

    Chap ter 22
    TJ was pissed. Mac had arrived back to the house after a wild night out and informed him that he’d heard another dealer was selling low quality stuff in his territory. After sending Pock out to investigate, he discovered his new competition was a guy he used to sell to. The word on the street was he’d started manufacturing his own low quality ecstasy tablets, taking advantage of the contacts he’d made while in TJ’s loop. Needless to say, TJ was ready to rip heads off.
    “Pock, take Mitch and Vinnie and teach that fucker a lesson! Tell him if I so much as see him at the fucking grocery store, I’ll break his fucking legs!”
    I knew why he chose the three of us. Both Pock and Vinnie were well known for their short fuses and violent tempers, and after Davo’s and my visit to Delaney, he now thought I had a violent temper too. I didn’t mind so much, because every person TJ wanted us to beat the crap out of was a low life criminal, and if I wasn’t undercover, I would never be allowed to touch them the way I wanted to. It was the only satisfying part of my job.
    The three of us checked our guns in silence then filed through the door.
    Pock turned the radio off when we were a few blocks away from Hal’s Bar. “Jay’s been here since midday so he should be just drunk enough not to put up too much of a fight. We’ll take him out the back. There’s enough coverage there that we won’t be seen from anyone passing on the street.”
    Vinnie grunted his agreement. I just nodded.
    Not having seen Jay before, I followed behind Pock and Vinnie as they sauntered into the bar. They caught sight of Jay the second they set foot in the door and didn’t stop for niceties.
    “Hey there, Jay,” Vinnie said, pulling the guy to his feet and draping his arm over Jay’s shoulders. He patted him firmly on the back while discreetly directing him towards the back exit. “It’s good to see you again, man. We hear you’ve been busy.”
    Jay was stunned

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