Alpha Pack 7 - Chase the Darkness

Alpha Pack 7 - Chase the Darkness by J.D. Tyler

Book: Alpha Pack 7 - Chase the Darkness by J.D. Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Tyler
stalking him. Remaining just out of sight, waiting for the chance to strike. Finally, at some point, the dreams quieted and he slept better.
    A knocking noise woke him some time later. Squinting, he saw that it was past noon. He’d missed lunch, and he still wasn’t that hungry. He thought about not answering the door, but the determination of the person on the other side was greater than his will to ignore it. He answered.
    And immediately wish he’d resisted. Rowan marched inside, and from the look on her face, this was not a conversation he wanted to have.
    “Nick is seriously pissed at you.”
    “What’s new lately?”
    “You mouth off during the meeting and disrespect him in front of everyone? Then you have the gall not to show up for training? What’s wrong with you?”
    “I wasn’t feeling well. I needed sleep.” That much was true.
    “Okay, even so. What about this morning? Raffles and cookies, for cryin’ out loud. Have you lost your mind?”
    “I’m being serious here!”
    “Me, too.”
    Taking his hand, she led him over to the sofa and sat him down. As soon as he saw her expression soften and her prickly side retreat behind genuine concern, he knew he was toast. They were going to have
a talk
, and nothing would dissuade his sister until he gave in.
    “I’m scared, little brother. You’re the only biological family I have left, and I love you.” She squeezed his hand. “Tell me what’s going on with the meds. What did Mac say?”
    “Does everyone know my business?”
    “No. But I’m your sister, and I reserve the right to poke my nose in whether you like it or not. Tell me, please.”
    It was the quiet
that got him. A demanding sister he could ignore, but not that tearful worry. “Damn. Might as well let you in on everything, since chances are you’ll find out anyway.” He blew out a breath. “Mac is having me wean myself off the myst.”
    “But that’s good, right? You don’t want to be on it forever.”
    “It’s good that I’m getting off of it, but not the reason why. In my case, my system isn’t handling the drug very well. I have to get clear of it.”
    Alarm had her sitting up poker-straight, fear in her eyes. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”
    “You’ve noticed the mood swings? Like when I jumped on Noah, and today at the meeting?”
    “Who hasn’t?”
    “Exactly. You know that’s not me, sis. I don’t know if I can blame it all on the drug, but I feel like it’s eating at me, making me so edgy I can’t think, corroding my grip on my control every single day. The pills are giving me nosebleeds and headaches, too. Tanking my appetite.”
    Easing free of her grip, he stood and paced his living room as he continued. “But I’m addicted to them. They’re not supposed to be habit-forming for shifters, but myst is a new drug, so obviously the doctors don’t know everything. Maybe it’s because of whatever Gene Bowman did to me in his lab, fucking with my blood and shit. Zan spotted something strange, remember?”
    “Oh, Micah.”
    For a few seconds, he thought she’d actually cry, and Rowan never cried. He didn’t think he could take that if she did. But she held in the tears, likely for his sake.
    “What happens if you can’t wean yourself off them?” she asked.
    He sighed. “Mac will admit me to Sanctuary until my body is clear of the drug.”
    “Then what? Will you be able to cope with your nightmares and the memories returning?”
    “I think so, eventually. I
better, and something’s happened that will definitely speed along my healing.”
    “Really? What’s that?”
    “I’ve met my Bondmate.” He smiled at his sister, hoping at least
person would be happy for him when she found out who his mate was.
    Rowan shot to her feet. “Really? Oh, my God!” Rushing over, she swept him up in a bone-crushing hug. “That’s great news! Who’s the lucky lady?”
    “It’s Jacee.”
    “The bartender

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