Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2)

    IT WAS FINALLY TIME to get down to business.
    The wind rushed by, roaring in my ears. I sped along the dirty road and the trees around me whipped backwards as I forced my way through. The sun wasn't high yet, it was too early. A cold fog still hung on the ground, making everything slick and wet.
    That's my favorite kind of terrain. Dirty and muddy.
    It was time . My Harley rumbled underneath me. The handlebars jittered, vibrating underneath my palms. It was an extension of my body. I came into a curve and leaned over until the wheels rounded the corner. It was as natural as breathing, as walking.
    My bike was a part of me. She didn't have my scars, but how many times had I wiped blood off of her shining metal? And today, was I going to have to do it again?
    I took a deep breath. The ground was rocky. I tore through the stones, whipping past them. The wheels kicked them up into the air, throwing them behind me. A cloud of grit flew up and got into my eyes. The sand burned, blinding me for a second. I skidded not he road before getting control again.
    Fuck . What was I doing ? I had to get my shit together!
    This would be easy. I just had to get back to Jase and Brent. We'd deal with this guy, and that would be it. It would be clean. Quick. Easy.
    We'd do the job just like we were supposed to. It wasn't anything complicated. Just killing someone.
    Someone who was part of the Midnight Stalkers. My enemy's motorcycle club. Nadia's motorcycle club.
    The face she had on when I left! Damn ! Those big brown eyes were staring at me, begging me not to go. The way she looked even without a scrap of clothing on her. Like the shitty hotel sheets weren't even fit to touch her skin. If anyone could have stopped me, it was her.  
    Just remembering that, my dick stirred in my pants. Nadia's smell was still on me, and I could feel her lips pressed against mine. It was like she was following me. No. There was no time for that.
    I screeched to a halt in the parking lot outside of our room. As soon as I hopped off and pushed the door open, Jason and Brent were there waiting for me.
    "Where the fuck were you?" Jase asked.
    He and Brent were standing over a table covered with papers. Bottles of beer rested on top of them, making the ink bleed with their condensation. I grabbed the documents, letting the bottles fly off the table.
    "What the hell?" Brent yelled.
    He reached for one of the bottles as it fell, but it bounced out of his hands and shattered on the ground. Brent stared at the aftermath as if they didn't have a whole six pack sitting in the corner.
    "Why would you waste a good beer?" he asked.
    "Did you guys forget that these are important?" I said. I shuffled the papers in my hands. "Besides, it wasn't good anyway."
    "What's wrong with you, huh?" Brent asked. "And where were you?"
    What was I supposed to tell them? That I'd been sleeping with the enemy? I clenched my fist.
    "What the hell does it matter?" I said. "Let's get this shit done. You said you got 'em. Who is it and where?"
    That was enough to shut them up. Even Jase and Brent got serious when it came to business. Jase pulled out his phone and started tapping away. Eventually he held the screen up for me to see.
    "Here's our guy," he said.
    It took me a moment to recognize him, and not just because of the crappy quality of Jase's camera. It was strange to see him with gray hair invading that thick head of greased back black hair. Wrinkles covered his skin, making him look like old leather. Heck, he could have been somebody's dad if it weren't for those homemade tattoos creeping up out of his sleeve. No. Not anyone's dad, but I'd recognize him anywhere.
    "The name's Morton Ticket, but he goes by Slick. He's the Midnight Stalkers'-"
    "Sergeant at Arms. I know," I said.
    "You know this guy?" Brent asked.
    In my mind, I ran over my weapons. Knife? Check. Gun? Check. What would that old bastard be up to? I grabbed another knife from Jase's kit and shoved it in my boot.

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