my neck. “Who’s the noob and what’s he doing here? Don’t like newcomers.”
I massaged my neck, remembering when Brodie had tried to choke the life out of me. “Seem to recall something like that.”
“You got an answer for Mr. Navajo?”
“He’s a shadow, like me.” I shook Brodie’s hand free. He might not like interlopers, but I hated being handled just as much.
“Why’s he here?”
“A threat, but the club is not involved.”
“Better not be. Boomer is ready to take him down.” Brodie placed his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes. “So, we’re trusting you because of the solid you did for Ashe.”
Boomer leaned casually next to Walker, stropping his bowie knife in slow actions on a whetstone that always sat ominously on the corner of the bar, testing Walker, trying him out. Walker glanced at the weapon then went back to his drink, smirk in place. The MC brothers were bad, but he was a killer to the core.
“He’s the real deal. Honest Injun,” I said to Brodie. “You can trust me on this.”
“Good thing I did that before and you didn’t prove me wrong.”
The Retribution MC landmines—otherwise known as the Brothers Steele—defused, I slid up next to Jessica.
“In the middle of a game, Hunter.” She tied her hair back and chalked her pool stick.
I slipped the cue from her fingers and set it against the table. “I know you are, sweetheart. I won’t interrupt for long.” Just long enough to stake my claim and make it clear she was mine, especially after last night at her house, in her bed, and between her legs.
Kissing her softly, I held her by the hips. “What are you wearing, by the way? Because I’m pretty sure that isn’t teacher gear you’ve got going on.”
“Do you like it?” She spun around.
“You could say that.” My gaze wandered along the tight turquoise seams of the black corset covered in embroidered butterflies. It hugged her body like a second skin, lifting the lightly freckled contours of her tits, as if she needed any help in that department.
“Maybe you’d like to help me out of it later.” She trailed a single finger from my neck down the center of my chest.
I captured her wrist before her hand wandered too far south. My cock was in no need of further encouragement. I held her hand against the steady pounding of my heart.
“ Fuck . I want to, but . . .”
“Why, Hunter Sexton, are you getting shy on me?” She started swaying against me, winding her arms around my neck.
Her movements guided by the rock love ballad coming from the speakers, she gyrated against me and a teasing smile formed on her petal pink lips.
I watched her through half-lidded eyes. It felt like she was making love to me with all our clothes on, and it was enough to make my control snap.
As she slowly dipped down into a sexy crouch before undulating back up, I looked out across the bar to find Walker staring straight at us.
He raised his trigger finger at me.
I spun Jessica around so her back was against my chest. “You see that guy over there?”
“The hottie Native American?”
Jesus Christ.
“Yeah, him. Name’s Walker. I want you to stay away from him. He’s dangerous.”
“ Mmm. I think I just figured out I like dangerous.” With a low laugh, she swiveled around.
“You want me to fuck you right here?”
“If you feel you need to prove a point. But I was referring to you . . . and danger. Not that guy over there.”
“What if I want to spank your ass for disobedience?”
“I’d prefer it if you spanked my pussy.” She slid one long thigh between my legs, grinding against my cock.
“That can be arranged.” I held her close for a moment before setting her away from me and scrubbing a hand down my face. “Just not for a few days. Can’t see you for a few days.” Not until I made sure Vicente was well and truly out of the picture, incarcerated, or put six feet under.
“Okay then.” She immediately turned back to the pool game in
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