Hunger Embraced (The Hunger Series)
days where he wants to fulfill a contract he had with my father. But if my father is a king, aren’t I a princess or something? What if I don’t want to go to wherever it is with mystery man? Can I seek some kind of political asylum or am I a mail order bride because ‘it’s Fate’?”
    Daniel tried to take my hand, but I shirked away. I gulped my tea and scarfed both pieces of bacon. The look in his eyes when I’d rejected his touch made me feel like an ass. It wasn’t his fault. He’d only tried to help me, and maybe he did have feelings for me. I could try to ignore them, but I knew they were growing in me. Kindness without thought of something in return was something I had experienced very little of in my life.
    “When is the last time you contacted your coven?” He busied himself with eating.
    “I haven’t spoken to my father or mother since the night I left. Things didn’t end well.” Understatement.“I tried to call…yesterday, two days ago? But I couldn’t reach anyone at the mansion or at the house down the street where I grew up. It’s not my coven, by the way. I’m not a real vampire, I didn’t grow up there, and I certainly don’t feel any ties to anything there. I only tried to contact them after you wouldn’t leave my apartment and scared me with your pronouncements of ‘important things.’ Oh, and how is it we’re having a normal, well not normal, talking about sex demons and vampires isn’t normal, but why aren’t you just picking this stuff out of my head?”
    “I’m shielding against you. You are a guest in my home. It would be rude.” He reached out and snagged my hand before I could pull it away this time, placing a careful kiss on the back. I sighed like a besotted schoolgirl. He grinned, not letting go, and retrieved his tea with his free hand. “And I did promise last night not to do so anymore.”
    “Don’t fight fair do you?” If my voice shook, I’d never admit it. His eyes sparkled, his magic sending white streamers through his irises. They looked like fireworks in slow motion. When my stare shifted to his mouth he ran his tongue over his lower lip. Damn the man for reminding me of the way he kissed.
    I dropped my chin and peeked up at him from under my eyelashes. His chivalry and manners conflicted with the sexy, carnal being I knew simmered beneath the surface. He wasn’t real, no one was like this.
    “It grows wearying—trying to sort through all the surface thoughts a person has to get to the things I most want to know. Your face tells me so much, your expressions are so genuine, unguarded. I find I like watching them dance across your features.”
    My breath caught at the heat and need in his eyes. This was deeper, more than physical, and it almost choked me.
    “I have not been here for long, so I have yet to visit your father’s residence. I have been away for some time in another part of the country. I will contact his secretary to arrange a time to announce my presence. It will allow me to gather intelligence about the state of his kingdom and perhaps ascertain why no one has answered your calls.”
    “That reminds me. What are you doing with a house like this in his territory? Isn’t that unusual? And, you better hurry up because I’m pretty sure I’ve only got two days before I’m expected to report for duty with the other guy. Why do you have to announce your presence?”
    Daniel held his remaining piece of bacon out to me. “Eat this. You’re entirely too thin.”
    I cleared my throat and took a big bite. I didn’t think I was thin, but whatever. The gorgeous man wanted me to eat bacon, I’d eat bacon.
    “You are driving me to distraction.” His eyes began to glow and he looked away, focusing on the far wall.
    I swallowed. “Good to know.” The memory of his mouth on my throat and his blood-coated tongue caused my pussy to clench.
    T.T.B. surged over me. His plate clacked against mine, and he captured my face with both

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