How to Write a Brilliant Romance: The Easy, Step-By-Step Method of Crafting a Powerful Romance (Go! Write Something Brilliant)

How to Write a Brilliant Romance: The Easy, Step-By-Step Method of Crafting a Powerful Romance (Go! Write Something Brilliant) by Susan May Warren Page B

Book: How to Write a Brilliant Romance: The Easy, Step-By-Step Method of Crafting a Powerful Romance (Go! Write Something Brilliant) by Susan May Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan May Warren
Tags: Fiction, Romance, General Fiction, Reference, Writing, Writing; Research & Publishing Guides, Writing Skills
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    Oh no, not again . . .
    Let’s look at another one. This is the middle kiss—the one where it is right and good with the world. (Before the Breakup).Her eyes searched his, a pain, or hope in them so tender it nearly broke his heart. “I do need you, Chet. I do need you.”
    And of course, those words coming out of her mouth as she sat in the swaddle of his arms, the sun backlighting the sky, her beautiful green eyes in his . . . he traced his gaze around her face and stopped there, at her incredible mouth.
    What was a guy to do? He caught his breath, met her eyes for a yes, then kissed her. Sweetly, touching his mouth to hers, testing, then tasting her tears. She didn’t move toward him, but she lifted her face, and he curved his hand around her neck, deepening his kiss ever so slowly. Something about her surrender made him want to weep. Tough, beautiful Mae, needing him . . . Oh, Mae. He didn’t hurry, just explored her mouth, then broke away to kiss her cheekbones, her forehead, her eyes, one then the other, then, finally, finally, back to her lips.
    She sighed in his arms, a slow shudder that seemed a release of something she’d been holding tight, and when he broke the kiss, touching his forehead to hers, she looked at him, and smiled.
    He traced it with his finger. “I need you too, babe.”
    Sparks—orabitofconversationthatarrestsourattention.Howoftendowesayweneedeach other? “I do need you, Chet. I do needyou.”
    The movement/action of the kiss: He caught his breath, met her eyes for a yes, then kissed her.
    Andthentheeffectofthekiss:Tough,beautifulMae,needinghim...Oh, Mae
    And . . . She sighed in his arms, a slow shudder that seemed a release of something she’d been holdingtight.
    When he broke the kiss, touching his forehead to hers, she looked at him,and smiled.
    He traced it with his finger. “I need you too,babe.”
    Now,justanoteaboutthesenses.Youdon’thavetousetaste.Youcanalsousesmell,andtouch andsound.
    Here’sanotherkissexample.Thisoneisfrom Mission: Out of Control ,alsoaLISaboutabodyguard whofallsinlovewithhisclient,arockstar.Tryandfigureoutwhatkissitis…thefirst,secondorlast?
    Wow. He pulled her down the darkened street, and now he wasscaring her. “Brody, what’s thematter?”
    He stopped then, rounded on her as if he had something to say.But whateveritwas,thewordswouldn’tmakeitpasthismouth,hisshakinghead.
    And then, just like that, he kissed her. Just put his mouth on herlips, hard and fast, and practically inhaling her as he pushed her against thestone wallofsomeancientbuilding.
    He had the most amazing smell—the sun on his skin, his aftershave, andalateafternoonstubblethatmadeherbringherfingerstoit,rubthemthroughit.
    Shecouldn’trememberthelasttimeshe’dkissedaman,andevenso, she’dneverbeenkissedwiththefocus,thesensethattheworldhaddropped away aroundthem.
    Her hands found the collar of his shirt and she tightened her fists into it and held on, moving her mouth under his, tasting the seltzer water on his lips. He was so verystrong as he wrapped his arms aroundher upper arms and—
    Pushed heraway?
    ..Ronie.Shoot!”Heturnedawayfromher,woundhishandbehindhisneck, stepped out into thestreet.
    AndhereisthefinalkissofthepreviousLIS, Point of No Return :
    She looked so beautiful, a smile playing on her face, her red hairdown, tumblingaroundhershoulders.Hewrappedhishandaroundherneck,pulledherclose.
    “Chet, you’rehurt.” “Not thathurt.”
    Then he kissed her, and she was so gentle, so sweet as she touched her lipstohis,andhewantedmore.Wouldhavemore.
    “Marry me, Mae. In Prague or Seattle. Wherever. Because when I’m with you,I’mhome.”
    [Ihopeyouenjoyedallthatkissing.IknowIdid. ☺ ]

Ingredie n t8:TheBrea k

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