House of Thebes (The Bloodstone Saga)

House of Thebes (The Bloodstone Saga) by Courtney Cole

Book: House of Thebes (The Bloodstone Saga) by Courtney Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney Cole
smile and warmth flooded through me. 
    The sight of her smile could always do me in. She grasped my hand lightly and led me through the throngs of people, out the elaborate carved doors and through the back hallways that led to her rooms.  As we passed the guards that stood at the mouth of the hall that led to the royal family’s suites, they each nodded in deference to me.  I nodded back.   It was likely that they might die tomorrow, as well.  I could see on their grave faces that they knew it.
    Charmian pushed open the doors to her rooms and I barely gave her time to enter before I pushed her against the wall, kissing her gently and then with more vigor.  Charmian kissed me back and pushed herself into me, her body warm and soft.  I groaned into her mouth and scooped her into my arms, carrying her to the bed.
    Collapsing into one heap, our hands seemed to be everywhere.  Mine were on her legs, her back, her neck, her breasts… hers were on my chest, my back, my shoulders…everywhere.  I kissed her again and watched her eyes close in reaction and love for her gave me pause.  What I wouldn’t give to stay in this moment forever.
    She opened her eyes, surprised at my stillness.  She looked at me questioningly, her gaze full of curiosity, anxiety and despair, so I spoke. 
    “Charmian, I love you.  More than life itself and I can’t wait until you are my wife.  We are going to have an amazing life.”
    My heart constricted at my own words.  She would never be my wife.  And my life would be over soon.
    “Yes, my love,” she whispered.
    She stared back at me, her soft lips parted just slightly.  I could see that she questioned it.  She questioned our safety, our future.  And I didn’t want to take that from her tonight. I wanted her to be happy, just one more time. 
    So I did the only thing any red-blooded man would do in my position. 
    I lied.
    “Charmian, there is such distress on your face.  Are you worried about Octavian?  I wish you would not.  He will come, we will fight him and he will return to Rome with his tail tucked between his legs like the cur that he is.”  
    Charmian watched me speak and closed her eyes at my words.  I rubbed her hand, then her arm, and finally she visibly swallowed and re-opened her eyes. 
    “Hasani, please….promise me that you will be safe tomorrow. Please be careful and don’t try to be a hero.  If Antony surrenders, I want you to surrender with him.  Please.”
    There was such pain on her face and it made my chest constrict. 
    She knew.  She knew I was in mortal danger.  I paused for a beat, then two.  I knew that my answer would weigh heavily here. It would make a difference.  I swallowed hard and smiled as arrogantly as I could.
    “What do you mean, Charmian?  Antony will not surrender and neither will I.  We are warriors.”
    That much was the truth.  We wouldn’t surrender.
    The corner of Charmian’s mouth twitched.
    “And warriors don’t surrender?” she guessed.  I nodded.
    “What about fear?  Are you afraid, Hasani?”
    I shook my head.  “My love, why are you asking such questions? I am only eager to get this fight out of the way so that you and I can begin our lives. My only wish is to defeat Octavian quickly so that Egypt can once again exist in peace.  I look forward to a time when I no longer have to fight.”
    Such as in the afterlife, perhaps.
    Charmian looked at me thoughtfully.
    “So no fear, then?”
    I stared her in the eye.  “No fear, my love.  Only acceptance. It must be done and I have trained for it my entire life.  I look forward to seeing your beautiful face at the end of the day.”
    Reaching out, I traced her cheekbone with my fingers.  Her eyes welled up in tears and she folded into my arms.  I pulled her to me and inhaled her sweet scent.  She smelled of honeysuckle. She leaned on her tiptoes and kissed me, her lips soft and sweet.  Our limbs tangled together and we didn’t speak anymore. 

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