Horror Tales

Horror Tales by Harry Glum

Book: Horror Tales by Harry Glum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Glum
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    S he had been wishing to get pregnant for three years, and at last Sharon had achieved her objective. She was really happy.
    Peter was an adorable man, and her life at his side was full, in all the aspects, including the sexual; but the fertilization, probably by a quirk of fate, had been keeping them waiting.
    Now that she had stopped for a while her work at the lawyer´s office (a generous agreement allowed her to take three years of voluntary leave), she could spend her full time taking care of her pregnancy, arranging little Pete´s bedroom, (yes, it was going to be a boy!) and buying all the outfits she wanted for her baby. The paradise...
    But something was disturbing the world of fantasy in which Sharon was immersed: in the last sonogram, in the seventh month of pregnancy, the doctors had detected some anomalies in little Pete. Nothing to worry about used to tell her the gynaecologist, but enough to keep track of the evolution of the pregnancy.
    Peter was there to give her support, and she felt protected in his arms. In fact, for many days she didn´t wish other thing than being trapped in her husband´s arms.
    Finally, her son came to the world with no problems, and Sharon could enjoy her motherhood just as she had dreamt. Little Pete was adorable, with his big blue eyes and his scarce blond hair, which stretched on his little head to end curled on his nape. He was a whim of a child.
    Sharon was sleeping next to her son, so that her husband could rest and go to work in full conditions. She didn´t mind staying awake at night, besides the following day she could make up for the lost sleep hours. In fact, she thought it would be wonderful to continue forever with that nice routine, instead of having to come back, sooner or later, to her position as an attorney.
    One of those nights little Pete started breathing in a very strange way, very abrupt. Sharon got scared and turned on the light. Her son appeared to be sleeping peacefully, as if nothing had happened. Horrified, she could observe that the body of her adorable baby was covered by a kind of dark hair. She gasped and tried to calm down. It had to be a nightmare, surely. Her mind was playing tricks on her. She had already read and listened to stories of hysterical mothers who guided by fear imagined all kinds of outrages. The fear that anything could happen to their little ones drove their nerves to despair.
    The next day, Sharon could confirm that Pete was as usual. Relieved, she felt stupid for having mistaken a nightmare with reality. She didn´t say anything to her husband, so as not to alarm him.
    Four delightful weeks passed by in which the joy of living made up her whole existence. She never thought she could be that happy, nor that such a tiny and defenseless being could bring into her life that huge happiness. But that night again, the heavy labored breathing of her child woke her up. This time it was deeper, more resounding. It was unusual for a baby. Again, Pete´s white skin as milk was covered by thick dark hair, horrible! This time she was incapable of getting to sleep, and she waited until sunrise looking at the ceiling, restraining her tears. When the sunlight spread across the room she turned to her little boy with the hope that once more, everything would be in order. And that was the way it was! There was Pete, smiling, waving his little hands, with his huge blue eyes and his white skin, smooth and gorgeous.
    A few days passed by and her husband brought the worst of the news: he had to be out in Europe for two months for business matters. He could visit her every two weeks, but she would have to cope with the child on her own. It was a tight, unavoidable spot. Sharon understood that she had to accept the situation, but she felt devastated. She didn´t tell Peter, so as not to overwhelm him, but she did invite her best friend Liz into her home, to avoid being alone, and to give vent to her. Liz was an

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