Honor Thy Teacher

Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert Page B

Book: Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Mummert
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made sure her eyes were locked onto mine as I said it. I knew what those words would do to her. She bit her lip as she flushed. I narrowed my eyes at her, staring at her mouth. Her pretty fuckable mouth. She released her lip immediately.
    I broke away from her and continued to ask questions. My thoughts never left her though. I ran my hand over the edge of the desk where her fingers had gripped, holding it tightly while I punished her. I ran my hand over the buckle of my belt, which awarded me another lusty stare. My cock twitched and I had to discreetly adjust myself.
    Time switched into hyper speed and before I knew it the class was empt y ing. I fought the urge to ask her to stay, knowing if I asked she would. She would want to please me. I licked my lips and glanced up in time to see her glance over her shoulder. She looked sad. I knew I was the cause of it.
    I thought of nothing else for the rest of the day. I wanted to take away her pain. The pain I had given her.
    I made my way to my car and waited for her to come out. She made small talk with her friends before sitting in her car alone. I couldn’t resist texting her. I wanted her to know that I was thinking about her.
    You are incredibly beautiful, even when you’re sad.
    She smiled and I felt my stomach tighten. Her face relaxed again and she knew that I was watching.
    Is that why you broke my heart?
    Her words cut through me with gut wrenching pain.
    I would give anything to take back all of the pain I have caused you.
    I watched her as a smile played across her lips.
    Some of the pain we enjoyed.
    She had no idea what she did to me. Reading words alone made me stiff, painfully so. I took a deep breath and fought the urge to take her in her car.
    Go home Emma.
    Angela was walking towards my car and I needed time to be alone with her. To threaten her. I glanced back at Emma who was glaring at me.
    I gave her a stern look but had to focus on Angela. I got out of my car and greeted her, trying not to draw attention to us. Emma flew past us, speeding carelessly through the parking lot. I typed quickly, wishing I could go after her.
    Slow down.
    She sat at the light, waiting for it to change. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat as I waited. When it did she made sure I understood how upset she was. I cringed as her car lurched dangerously into traffic.
    “So… ” Angela said, her eyes downcast.
    “Why the fuck have you bee n avoiding my calls?” I was livi d. More so at Emma who was self- destructing before my eyes.
    “I ha-haven’t” Angela replied in a hushed tone, searching the lot for anyone who was listening.
    “We need to talk …some other time. For now I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to even hear you breathe my name. You will regret it. ” I lowered my voice so no one would hear but I made sure it kept its edge. She didn’t respond, just nodded while fidgeting with her necklace. She turned and made her way to her car.

    Chapter Twenty- Three
    I didn’t waste a second. I needed to make sure that Emma made it home safe. I drove to her place, making sure no one else was home. Emma’s car was not there. I parked up the road and walked behind her house, finding her bedroom window unlocked. I smiled at how careless she really was where her safety was concerned. I slipped inside her window and waited anxiously for her to come. It didn’t take long. Within the minute, I heard the sound of the garage door raising and lowering. I listened to her as she went about her business, unaware of what could be lurking around the corner. As she made her way down the hall , I felt my pulse quicken in time with her steps.
    The door opened.
    “So you enjoy the pain?” I asked. She was too stunned . S he didn’t reply. Her eyes locked onto mine as if trying to figure out if I was really there . “Close the door.” She stepped inside

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