Honor Thy Teacher

Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert Page A

Book: Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Mummert
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instead the pain that I deserved.
    It pumped through me, throbbing up my arm into my chest. It felt good. It felt real. It felt deserved.
    I let the water run ice cold before getting out and drying myself off. I switched on the television as I dipped inside my bedroom for clean clothes. I came back out to the sound of the news. They had just finished a story about a drunk driving accident in the early morning hours. I smiled, but it was short lived when they said he was going to be fine. For now. They also mentioned a suspicion of foul play but with his blood alcohol level being what it was they didn’t take it very seriously. Still, I would have to come up with a plan just in case.
    I grabbed my phone and sent Angela a message. I needed to meet her face to face and put end to all of this. I wasn’t going to let her hurt Emma. I deserved whatever pain was brought upon me, but Emma was innocent. I had manipulated and used her for my own gain.
    As I waited for her to get back to me, I searched the internet to make arrangements for after graduation. I knew I wouldn’t be able to take Emma away before the end of the year without telling her the truth about Jeff. I would just have to risk it and hope for the best. If anything where to happen before then, I would just have to do whatever it takes to make her safe. Whatever that may be.
    I was exhausted. I spent the entire night thinking of her. Even when I did manage to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion, her face haunted my dreams. I could smell her. Taste her on my lips. She was an addiction that I didn’t want cured. The utterance of her name caused my body to go rigged and my cock to grow hard. Her twisted sense of self and lack of any kind of discipline only made me crave her that much more.
    I waited anxiously for her to come. I needed another fix. I grabbed her books and placed them on her desk.  It felt like an eternity since I had looked in her eyes. Since I had broken her heart and pushed her away. I leaned against my desk, my blood pounding in my ears as my heart raced. As she walked through the door, her eyes caught mine and for a second the world stood still and spun faster at the same time. Spiraling out of control and orbiting around us. The high was short lived as one of my students came to ask me a question about our last assignment. I answered him quickly and turned back to her but she had disappeared. Like a beautiful mirage. My eyes scanned the room frantically before coming to rest on her.
    She held a smile on her face but didn’t look at me. I struggled to regain my composure and begin the lesson. I prepared questions to engage the class and also to keep myself from fantasizing about her. I asked a few questions, all the while glancing in her direction. She continued to avoid my gaze and appeared to not even be listening .
    “Emma…Emma!” I called out , breaking her fro m her daydream. She looked embarrassed as her eyes shot up and the class looked at her expectantly.
    “What?” She asked, not bothering to hide her irritation with me. I deserved it but I didn’t like it. I bit back the urge to scold her, to tell her she needed to be punished . I had no right to say anything to her at all.
    “Who exacted punishment on the rebels of the North of England referred to as ‘The Harrying of the North’?” I starred at her, not letting her look away from me. I wanted her to hear the word punishment and think of me. As her cheeks burned pink, I knew that she had. Her brain searched for an answer. An answer that I knew she didn’t have since I had her book all weekend. If she thought of me, of punishment she could put two and two together . Her eyes lit up as she did just that.
    “William the conqueror?” She responded with a smirk. I had used ‘William the Conqueror as my contact name when I programmed my number into her phone.
    “That is correct Ms. Townsend.” I bit back a grin. “Good girl” I

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