HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter

HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter by Margaret McHeyzer

Book: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter by Margaret McHeyzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret McHeyzer
Tags: General Fiction
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the world. I don’t assume anything or even take anything for granted because I know that’s a dangerous way of thinking.
    In the morning I wake up and get my day underway by calling Ethan Martelli. He answers the phone on the second ring.
    “Anna. It’s nice that you decided to call”. I haven’t even said my name yet. He doesn’t have my number but after yesterday’s conversation he knows that I will call him, we don’t dance around each other with our obvious cautious side.
    “Of course Ethan. We do have a date for today. How does lunch sound?”
    “Lunch sounds perfect, how about I come and pick you up around 11.30?” He’s fishing to know where I am staying. I am not telling you fucker .
    “I’ll just meet you Ethan. The world is a dangerous place I’m sure being a respectable police officer you must agree with me. So how about I meet you over at Mammas at midday?” It’s not really an option to pick me up. He must be looking for me if he is desperate enough to ask to pick me up.
    “Fine,” it’s more of a grumble then an affirmation. And with that he has disconnected the call.
    It appears Ethan Martelli has not been able to find what he is looking for with me. Today’s lunch will be interesting.
    At 11.30am I set off towards Mammas and get to the same spot that Ethan had pulled me over yesterday when I see the familiar red and blue lights behind me. They aren’t flashing but they are following me. Ethan must have been waiting for me knowing this is where I’ll pass. Next time I’ll be taking a different route, I need to throw him off my trail. I watch in my rear-view mirror as he follows me close enough to let me know he is there. The streets are busy going into St Cloud.
    I pull up outside Mammas and Ethan pulls up behind me.
    “Gee Ethan, anyone would think you’re following me around,” I add with a little giggle but I certainly know that is exactly what he was doing.
    “Not at all Anna, it’s all pure coincidence”, he raises one eye brow at me with a snide smile on his lips. Oh yeah, its game on now.
    We step inside Mammas and are seated fairly quickly by my old friend Plastic Tammy. Plastic Tammy looks at me and her eyes become huge and round through shock, she then looks over at Ethan and her tart of a smile appears.
    “Hi there Ethan, long time no see. Hello there Mam. I’ll leave the menus and be back in a few minutes to collect your order”. She quickly lays the menus down and I see her sneak a look at Ethan and a slight flush is present in her cheeks. Ethan totally ignores her.
    “So you and Plastic Tammy were once a couple??” I ask waiting to read his reaction.
    He snaps his head up and looks at me. “No. Never.” Lie lie lie.
    I’m reading his body language and can see he is nervous. His eyes dart to the right as he says that. “Sorry Ethan, I just thought the way you were looking at each other that you had a thing. Not that it’s any of my business of course.”
    He again looks at me but his eyes falter and give him away as he quickly looks over my right shoulder, “No nothing like that. I knew her from school” Lie lie lie AGAIN. I know it’s a lie because Ethan only moved here when he was 19. And there’s no way he was still in school at the age of 19. And she certainly didn’t look like she went on to college.
    “So Ethan tell me why you’re insisting on this lovely meal today”. I don’t beat around the bush but I certainly am keeping it light. Façade on, recon work begins.
    “Well Anna. I quite like the name Anna,” he says as he puts emphasis on the ‘n’ of my name. “So tell me what sort of work you do,” he goes on but Plastic Tammy interrupts us. She has a knack of doing that. Her eyes are huge and all sweet for Ethan.
    “So are you ready to order?” She smiles at Ethan and her face hardens when she looks at me. I’m sure she’s scared of me and that’s fine because I really don’t want to put her in her place again today. I don’t

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