HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter

HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter by Margaret McHeyzer Page A

Book: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter by Margaret McHeyzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret McHeyzer
Tags: General Fiction
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want Ethan to see that part of me.
    “I’ll have lasagne and a coke,” Ethan says whilst he closes his menu and hands it back to Plastic Tammy.
    Lasagne, my mind goes back to the day before and to Ben. And to his kitchen. And to his island bench. And what happened on his island bench.
    “And for you Mam?” Plastic Tammy says snapping me out of my little hot memory.
    “I’ll have a BLT and a bottle of sparkling water not opened please”, I say. Plastic Tammy leaves us to get our order ready.
    Ethan’s head looks at me in lightning speed. “Why not opened?”
    “I’ve watched enough CSI to know never to accept an open drink from anyone Ethan. You yourself would know that”. I cover my tracks very quickly and my excuse is plausible.
    “So you were just about to tell me what you do,” Ethan says but when he does he shifts in his seat and quickly glances over to his left looking outside for something.
    My senses are heightened and I realise that Ethan is not here on his own. I know that someone is outside being invisible but watching us, more likely watching me. At that moment I get a text on my phone. I look at it and see there has been a security breach on my car. My car is parked right outside and I can’t hear the alarm but that doesn’t mean that someone hasn’t tried something. I stop the urge to look because this will alert Ethan that I know he has organised for something to happen to either me or my car that will either hurt me or track me. I don’t think it’s a bomb, I think it’s a tracking device, for now .
    I launch into the story about me having my own recruitment company. The public story that Ethan has probably found but I’m positive he’s searching for more information or waiting for me to slip up.
    By the time we finish our meal, Ethan really doesn’t know any more about me than what he did before our lunch ‘meeting’. I, however, know that he desperately wants to find me. Ethan picks up the bill and I graciously thank him. This is now a game of cat and mouse. He thinks he’s the cat just about to pounce on the mouse but of course I know better.
    When we get in our respective cars to leave, Ethan doesn’t follow me, he U-turns and goes in the opposite direction which confirms to me he has fitted my car with a tracking device. Time to do a spot of shopping at a very busy mall.
    I drive straight to Minneapolis and into a multi-story car park. I had no intentions on stopping here today, but now my plans are changed because I need to find the device hidden on my BMW. I’m sandwiched between 2 low sitting cars and quickly get to work. I find the device with no fuss and laugh at how stupid these people must think I am. I put the device on one of the cars next me. It buys me a few days before Ethan becomes aware of the fact that the GPS has been relocated. So that gives me only a few days to find what I need about Ethan. I’ll be calling ‘Agent’ when I get back to my cabin and having him research for information on Ethan.
    I’m back at my cabin and do a quick parameter and security check. It all looks fine, no one has attempted to breach it. I pick my phone up and dial the number.
    “15” His greetings are always so cheerful. Not.
    “Information required. Current employer. And Ethan Martelli. EAC St Cloud PD. Eta?” We speak clearly and with precision.
    “ETA 36 hours”. I end the call and know to call him back in 36 hours to find out what I need.
    36 hours is a long time. But it should be enough for Ethan Martelli to find that I have removed and rehoused the tracker from my car and to find all the relevant information on who has hired me and what role Ethan Martelli plays.
    I hear a text message come through on my burner phone.
    It’s from Ben – hope to see you soon .
    It brings a small smile to my face. As luck has it, I’m available tonight. Dinner? I reply.
    I’m making chicken parmigiana. There’s a piece that will be waiting for you.-B
    Sounds good. I’ll bring the

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