Hissers II: Death March
and diner just a few miles up. It looked deserted but I didn’t want to risk it with just my girl. But together…if you two are hungry it might be worth a look. Ideally I’d like to find a CB radio. Truck stops like that usually have ’em. You might want one as well. You got ammo?”
    “We’ve got some,” Olive replied. “Could use more, I guess. Truck stops sell bullets?”
    Dean shook his head. “Usually no. But you never know. Nothing else, they’ll have knives and stuff.”
    “Getting a CB isn’t a bad idea,” Connor said. Right now they were pretty much flying blind, and with Dean’s tale of what lay ahead, it would be worth risking a trip to the truck stop if it could get them more news about California.
    “Okay, we’ll follow you back there,” Olive said. “When we get there, you watch our back and we’ll watch yours.”
    “ No sweat. Long as my little girl stays safe, I’m with you.”
    FRIDAY, 2:12 PM
    The van finally started to slow down, and Amanita prepared to open the door and leap out, but before she could get close to it, Spider Neck came into the back, a bowie knife in his hand, and motioned her toward the rear. “Scoot. Go on. Move.”
    Trying to stay as small as po ssible, she slid toward the back. There were no double doors here like in most vans. Just a small tinted window that was covered in dirt.
    “Where are we?” she asked.
    “Never you mind.”
    “Can I have my back pack? I think I can walk from here.”
    “You ain’t walking nowhere. And no you can’t have your backpack.”
    The van stopped. The driver got out and Amanita could hear him walking along the side of the vehicle, boots crunching on rocks and leaves. Then the sided door slid open and she saw his face for the first time. Old, leathery skin covering a gaunt face. He had a teardrop tattoo under his right eye.  Like his buddy, he too had a beard, though this was mostly from not shaving rather than actively growing it. He wore a black t-shirt that said BIKERS LAW on it. “Alrighty now, everybody out,” he said.
    Spider Neck waved for Ama nita to move, so she slinked past him and got out. As soon as her feet hit the ground she ran, seeing nothing but trees around her. But she only made it a couple steps before she felt Teardrop’s big hand on her shirt, yanking her back. She fell to the ground at his feet, her lips shivering in fear.
    “Please just let me go,” she begge d. “I didn’t do anything to you. I won’t tell anyone. Please just let me leave.” She gulped for breath, knowing she was about to be raped or killed or both.
    “We told you , you’re not going anywhere. Nowhere to go anyway. We’re in the mountains. But this is where it’s safe believe it or not. We got people here to protect you.”
    “I just want to go home. Please let me go.”
    “Aw hell, just grab her,” Spider Neck said.
    With that, Teardrop yanked her up to her feet and shoved her forward, keeping one hand on her shirt. Her legs barely obeyed her and every three steps she thought she might fall. Behind her, she heard the van door slide closed as Spider Neck started following them.
    She scanned the woods as she was directed forward. There truly was nothing but trees. No paths, no cabins, and though they had to be close to a road, she heard no cars going by. The best she could think of was to run back past the van and keep going, hope she hit some kind of highway. That is, if she could get away.
    “What’s your name, girl?” Teardrop asked.
    Amanita had no intention of giving her name. If they were going to kill her she would not give them the pleasure of knowing who she was. “Fuck you,” she answered.
    “Ho ho! A smart mouth. I like that. You’re cute and feisty. Harold is gonna love you.”
    “Har…Harold? Who’s Harold?”
    “Oh, Harold owns this land. You’ll meet him in a few minutes. But best you give me your name now. Otherwise we may have to get it out of you later in a less pleasant way.

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