His Wild Highland Lass
her and caressed her, stroking her needs until she felt the world spinning beneath her. She gloried in the feel of this wondrous sensation. Feeling the warmth and the wetness between her legs, she was ready for him and urged him in. Eager to please her, he pushed his rigid staff inside her and thrust deep.
    She loved this connection between them, the love they shared. He began to kiss her again, inserting his tongue in her mouth, and she sucked on it, making him groan. She lifted her legs to encircle him, to claim him and he pumped into her ever faster. She thought maybe she was making him uncomfortable and began to unwrap her legs from his body, but he quickly reached down and urged her to wrap her legs around him again.
    Despite the cool air in the chamber, she was flushed with heat as his staff filled her with more heat. But she wasn't done. Almost. There. A wave of new pleasure crested, and she cried out in exaltation, "Oh, aye, Ronan, aye."
    He smiled against her mouth as he kissed her again, not separating from her at the first, then finally he did. And pulled her into his warm embrace.
    "If you think it would be unsafe for your men or you, or for my sister and her children, we dinna have to do this on the morrow," she said softly against his chest.
    He stroked her hair like he always did, as if he couldn't get enough of touching her before they slept. "Nay, lass. We will make the effort if 'tis your wish."
    "I dinna want anyone injured or killed if we do this."
    "We will go, and if it appears it willna work, we will return home. Sleep now, lass. You dinna get enough sleep now as it is. You need to be well-rested for the morrow."
    But sleep wouldn't come for the longest time and just when it seemed she had drifted off, Ronan was waking her up.
    "Are you ready?"
    She wanted to groan she was so tired. "Aye," she said, and hurried to slip out of bed.
    Elspeth wanted to come along, but Ronan said no. The travel could be dangerous, and he didn't want his sister involved when it was Sorcha who desired so to see her family.
    It took them several days, the weather cold and gray and wet the whole time. They rested often as he worried about Sorcha. She wore dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep, but at least she was eating well.
    She'd been worried, but the closer she got to Craigly Castle, the more eager she was to press forward.
    Tuathal said, "I will ride ahead with two of my men, if you will wait here with the lass. I will endeavor to slip the lady and her children out of the castle for a visit to the loch for a few hours."
    Ronan had the tent set up so that Sorcha could rest and a fire made while some of the men hunted grouse. Once they were cooking the fowl, he joined Sorcha in the tent. She was sound asleep, buried in furs, and he thought how truly beautiful she was.
    He rejoined his men by the campfire, some of the MacNeill men talking with his men about battles past as if they had been friends forever.
    It was getting to be nightfall when they heard riders and the men rose to their feet, hands on the hilts of their swords. Tuathal rode into the camp. "You must pack up at once. See the trees beyond the loch? Go there and wait."
    "Who is coming?" Ronan asked as he motioned for Alban to organize the men.
    "Laird MacNeill and some of his men. But he willna locate you. On the morrow, I will bring Lady Akira to see your lady wife. We might not be able to bring the children."
    "Aye. Sorcha will understand."
    Tuathal helped the men get ready while Ronan woke his still sleeping wife, and he knew then she had to be exhausted or she would not have slept through Tuathal's arrival.
    "What is wrong?" she asked, and he hated the worry in her voice.
    "We will go to the forest and wait for your sister." He helped her onto her horse, and mounted his own. "But it will be on the morrow."
    That night, they watched from the forest as they saw torches, ten or so of them move about where they'd had their campfire. But then the

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