His Perfect Bride

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Book: His Perfect Bride by Jenn Langston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Langston
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    Brianna, priding herself on not having the typical reactions, was not even close to melting or any other such nonsense.
    “Then what makes you different from the scores of other gentlemen seeking the same thing? Surely there is something more specific you desire for your life that would set you apart.”
    His mouth dropped open, and then his lips turned down in disapproval.
    “I’m not sure what you hope to achieve with this line of conversation. I’m not accustomed to discussing such over dinner.”
    “I’m merely curious. All men who wish for a wife and family have different reasons. Some wish for a companion or heirs, while others are looking for a dowry or social connections. None of them are wrong. I only wanted to know what motivates you.” She shrugged as if his answer was irrelevant.
    He hesitated a second longer, and then his expression grew distant, as if he saw his future before him.
    “I want it all. I want a wife, heirs, and wealth. I wish to have a house, a mansion, on a substantial piece of property that boasts of my wealth. I wish to be viewed as an equal, a person who is good enough for my father,” he said with such fervor, Brianna began to see him differently, the intensity in his voice overwhelmed.
    When his thoughts returned to the present and his gaze focused on her, she could see the determination in his eyes. An uncomfortable feeling settled around her. As if he saw her as the tool he would use to obtain his goal. He smiled then, softening his features, and allowing her to relax. She had expected his need for a dowry. However, she was not sure she wanted to be used so callously.
    “That sounds lovely. The house, I mean.” Her cheeks heated with her awkward and rushed words.
    “I’m glad you think so.”
    She was saved from having to respond as the next course was served. Concentrating more on her food and her other companion, the rest of the dinner passed by uneventfully and slowly. When she gave him her attention again, Mr. Gregory regaled her with tales of his future estate, and how he would spend his wealth.
    After seeing this new materialistic side of him, she found she was not as interested in him as she had been. She continuously found herself comparing Mr. Gregory and Richard, and the same person kept coming out on top.
    She wondered if her dwindling interest in Mr. Gregory was due to Richard or if the appeal would have dissolved on its own. Regardless, she became bored with his company and was grateful when Lady Wickham announced the ladies withdraw. Following her mother into the drawing room, Brianna sighed, knowing the evening was not near to ending.
    The only way to avoid Mr. Gregory and his tiresome conversation was to surround herself with the other guests and their inane chatter. Fully aware her actions alone encouraged his attention, she knew it would be difficult to dissuade him.
    “So, Brianna, how did you enjoy your dinner?” Sarah asked as she approached.
    “Dinner was delicious. Please express my compliments to your cook. If your parents ever wish to dismiss her, I know my mother would be interested in offering her a position.”
    “I shall pass that along, although my parents have no wish for her to go anywhere. However, I was not referring to the food. I was more interested in your opinions of the overall experience.”
    “You already know of the success of the evening, so why are you seeking my assessment?”
    “I simply noticed your absorption with that untitled gentleman, and I wondered about your interest.”
    “He is very handsome, is he not?” Brianna knew Sarah only wanted a reaction from her.
    “Well, yes, but what could you possibly have to talk about? I noticed you spent the entire time speaking mostly to him.”
    “He told me how disappointed he was with the whole evening. He was not impressed by anything and none of the ladies present were able to pique his interest,” Brianna replied offhandedly. “Don’t worry, though. I assured

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