His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty)

His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty) by Cathryn Fox

Book: His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty) by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
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    “I’ll see you later, then.”
    Cole stood there, barely able to think, let alone breathe, as she exited the hangar, a little extra sway to her pantiless ass. He gave a hard shake of his head. How the hell was he going to keep his distance and keep his cock in his pants? It was seriously time to put her out of his mind.
    Before she left she popped another strawberry into her mouth and tossed him a devious smile. “Or should I say, you’ll be seeing me .”
    Cole fisted his hair, his pulse pounding hard in the base of his throat. “Jesus, Gemma, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
    Gemma turned back around to face him and said, “I’m looking forward to finding out.”

Chapter Six
    The bell over the clinic door jingled and pulled Gemma’s attention. Sitting at the front counter with her assistant, she glanced up from the computer monitor. Her heart raced a little faster when she spotted Cole and his comrades walking into her reception area. Talk about sex in a uniform. Perched on the stool beside her, Victoria gave her a little nudge beneath the countertop, a squeak catching in her throat.
    Gemma knew exactly how her assistant felt. The sight of those four sexy soldiers, all dressed in their army fatigues nonetheless, was like a serious case of testosterone overload.
    Tamping down the sudden rush of heat zinging through her blood, Gemma pushed away from the monitor. She put on her best professional face and introduced Victoria to the men who were here to help with her cause.
    After a round of greetings, Gemma waved her hand toward the door leading to the back shelter. “If you will all follow me, I’ll show you where the animals are kept. Each cage has a small doggy door that leads to a fenced-in grassy area out back, so perhaps it might be best if you introduced yourselves to the animals in their familiar surroundings before taking them to the base for training.”
    Cole stepped up behind her. There was nothing she could do to ignore the tremor it elicited from deep within as his warmth and sheer virility reached out to her. His body was so close to hers sparks arced between them, so volatile and explosive she wondered if the others in the room could feel the energy.
    She opened the door to the shelter and was greeted with a round of howls. She stepped up to her oldest and most gracious guest. “Hey, Nana, what’s all that barking about?” She bent as the men disbursed to examine the canines. Their military issue boots echoed on the cement floor as they walked down the long corridor.
    Cole moved in beside her and he stuck his hand into Nana’s cage to give the old girl a pat. As Gemma watched his big palm brush over her black, molted fur, a hand with so much strength and power yet touched with such gentle care, her heart turned over in her chest. She cleared her throat and glanced up at Cole.
    “What do you think of Nana here?”
    He frowned and stepped closer. The way he crowded her, like he needed to touch her every bit as much as she needed his touch, filled her with a new kind of warmth. “Nana’s kind of old, Gems.” At the mention of her name, Nana wagged her ratty old tail, excited to finally be noticed and played with. “Has she been here long?”
    “Yeah, sadly enough. I would love to take her home but I don’t have the room.”
    Anger moved into Cole’s eyes. “How does someone abandon an old girl like her?”
    “I don’t know. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have pets.”
    “Or kids,” he added with a disgruntled laugh.
    “Or kids,” she agreed in a soft tone, knowing he was thinking back to his own childhood. For a brief moment she wondered more about Cole’s demons. Would he shy away from family and kids because his own upbringing had been less than loving? Or did the affection her brother and parents bestowed upon him show him caring families do exist?
    Behind them Josh bent down to see a litter of collie and terrier mix puppies. They all started yelping in

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