His Black Pearl
just beside the towering
armoire with its animal-foot legs and the full-length gilded mirror
that reflects every inch of my naked body right back at me.
    I should feel ashamed every time I mount it.
I should see nothing but disgust on my face whenever I look in that
    But I don’t.
    In fact, I never have.
    Every time I lower my cunt onto that giant,
thrusting phallus, I feel nothing but excitement. I look in the
mirror, and instead of a broken animal, I see a woman filled with
life. I watch my hips grind into the cushion. I see my breasts
bounce as I ride that silicone cock, and I moan with erotic
delight. Exhilaration always colors my face as well as my
    He likes to watch me when I come, and I like
it, too.
    When Master pats my scratching post, I climb
upon it quickly. Its cock fills my insides. He flicks on a switch,
and for a second the rest of the world is gone. All that exists is
the throbbing between my legs and the gentle stroke of my master’s
fingers across my tender breasts.
    He smiles down at me.
    His fingers gently tweak one of my nipples
before he removes my gag. My lips are already parted. White Coat
has trained me so well that now I never dare close my mouth. I
should be ready to accept my master inside me at any time, and I
am. I really, really am.
    I wait for the warmth of his cock to grace my
tongue, but it doesn’t. He turns away from me. He takes Miss
Priss’s leash and leads her to the bed.
    I watch him lift her up onto his red satin
sheets, and my breath hitches.
    He never placed me upon that bed. Not once
since he first brought me to this room have I ever even touched the
top of his mattress. I watch him stroke Miss Priss’s back, and
tears prick my eyes.
    Was I bad? Am I being punished for something
I don’t even remember?
    He looks me straight in the eye. “Voro.”
    My back arches, and I moan as an orgasm
ripples through my body, but I can’t focus on that. No, I can’t get
lost in the pleasure now. I need to watch. Master wants me to
    “Dinsi,” he says, and Miss Priss thrusts her
ass in the air as she lowers her chest onto his red silk duvet.
    Master parts his robe, and his erect cock
stands before me. He strokes her clit once before he enters her
from behind. Miss Priss lets out a low, deep moan, and my pussy
strains against the artificial cock buried inside me.
    Oh, God.
    Oh, God!
    I’ve been waiting for this. I knew it would
come sooner or later. For weeks I’d been terrified of this moment,
but now as I watch Miss Priss give me my final lesson, as I see her
neck arch and her mouth curl into a tiny “O” as she climaxes again
and again, I’m not scared like I was when faced with all of my
lessons before.
    No, I’m ready.
    I’m more than ready.
    I don’t need Miss Priss to show me what every
animal already knows. This is life at its core, its most primal,
and I need it. I need to feel my master inside of me. I need to be
riding his cock, not this make-do scratching post.
    I need him.
    God, I need him so much I can barely stand
    Tears are coursing down my face when he
finally comes inside of Miss Priss, and I stretch my arms out to
him as he pulls his dick out of the blonde.
    Me next. Please, Master, just let me be
    His lips curl into a grin. He slides off the
bed and lifts me into his arms. Strong fingers bury themselves deep
inside my wet cunt.
    “Sona,” he whispers. “Sona, Isa.”
    I nuzzle his muscular chest, and as he lowers
me down beside Miss Priss, I’m shivering with excitement. He’s
going to take me. He’s going to take me. He’s finally going to take
    I want to laugh, I’m so happy.
    Since first arriving in his mansion, my
virginity has been a weight around my neck. I’ve been ashamed,
timid, and at times even terrified of all the rigors my master has
put me through. But each time my fears were unfounded. Each time my
master subjected me not to another horror, but rather another
release, a new and exciting chance to

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